Testing From All Angles (9)

Qin Zhi'ai leaned on the headboard, relaxed. She was looking at her phone, and it seemed like she didn't even notice Gu Yusheng was next to her.

I'm standing so close to her. How could she not notice anything? Gu Yusheng thought to himself.

Gu Yusheng moved his eyes and touched the water glass. He leaned his body towards Qin Zhi'ai on purpose.

Qin Zhi'ai did not notice as Gu Yusheng moved closer to her, nor did she blink. She even slid a finger across her phone as Gu Yusheng leaned over.

I'm practically pressing myself on her. How could she have no reaction? Is she that into whatever's on her phone? Gu Yusheng thought to himself.

Thinking this, Gu Yusheng moved over to see what was on Qin Zhi'ai's phone. He asked, "What are you looking at?"

Qin Zhi'ai stared at her phone without moving at all. She responded casually, "I'm reading a novel."

A novel? What novel could make her ignore me? Gu Yusheng thought to himself.