No Matter Whose Fault it is, Does it Really Matter? (6)

"Yes." Qin Zhi'ai nodded. Then she thought of how puzzled she had been when she saw Gu Yusheng, so she asked him, "Why are you here?"

"You called me." Holding Qin Zhi'ai 's hand, Gu Yusheng walked toward the doors of the studio.

"I did?" Qin Zhi'ai frowned and turned around to look at Zhou Jing, who was following her and Gu Yusheng, carrying her bag. Then she raised her eyes to look at Lin Yi, who was sitting not far away from her. She was crying with resentment and grief in her agent's arms. Suddenly, Qin Zhi'ai seemed to stumble, whispering, "Oh."

Gu Yusheng turned to her and asked gently, "What's up?"

"Nothing. Maybe the situation was a bit chaotic at that time, so my hand slipped." Qin Zhi'ai answered Gu Yusheng in a soft tone, then pulled at the edge of her costume's skirt, and continued, "I have to remove my makeup and change clothes. Are you going to leave now, or—"