No Matter Whose Fault it is, Does it Really Matter? (7)

"Too much?" Zhou Jing curled her lips and snorted. She pulled her hand off the door handle and walked toward Qin Zhi'ai in her high heels. She leaned so she was at Qin Zhi'ai's ear and whispered, "Are you talking to me right now as Liang Doukou or Qin Zhi'ai?

"You're right. I made that phone call. I set Lin Yi up. So what? Xiaokou and Gu Yusheng are married. What's wrong with letting people know that Xiaokou can rely on Gu Yusheng?" Zhou Jing said.

Right, there was nothing wrong with that. They were married.

Qin Zhi'ai was unhappy that she was being used, but Zhou Jing's explanation made that feeling disappear in a second.

She was just an outsider. She was only paid to be a body double. She was in no position to state her opinions.

Qin Zhi'ai narrowed her lips and didn't say a word.