A Look in Her Eyes, The Love of His Whole Life (9)

"It's 4:10 now. I need to call her to see where she is."

Qin Zhi'ai stood at the door, in total shock. She suddenly recovered when she heard what Zhou Jing said. She immediately took her cell phone out of her purse. Right after setting it on silent, Zhou Jing's call came in.

She did not immediately answer. Instead, she quickly walked to the nearby restroom with her suitcase and stood by a wall. With her eyes closed, she took a deep breath before answering.

While raising the phone to her ear, she heard Zhou Jing say right away, "Where are you?"

"I'm in the elevator. I'll be there soon." What she had heard while eavesdropping just outside room 201 kept playing relentlessly in her head. She could barely keep her voice steady. After answering Zhou Jing's question, she hung up before she could say anything more. Qin Zhi'ai slowly slid down against the wall and squatted on the floor.