A Look In Her Eyes, The Love Of His Whole Lifetime (10)

As for little troublemaker… Once upon a time, he had also given her a nickname, calling her "sweetheart."

Perhaps he had just mentioned it casually, but she was too involved, too serious about it and too fond of him. She had been expecting all day and night that he would be fond of her, too. She had always been so silly, forgetting to learn her lessons time and again, and she had always taken his subtle changes as a sign of his fondness for her.

But that was all right, because after that, she would never be such a fool again.

Qin Zhi'ai just felt in pain, as if someone was stabbing her heart with a knife, making even her breathing a little difficult.

She didn't know how long she had been squatting when the phone in her palm vibrated again.

It was a call from Zhou Jing, who was probably calling to ask her why she hadn't arrived yet.

Qin Zhi'ai didn't answer and directly hung up.