It Was Little Troublemaker, Not Liang Doukou (1)

After she had finished talking, she made sure there was nothing else she needed to pass along to Liang Doukou. "I'm done." She looked up at the desk in front of her and saw a large unsealed paper envelope with stacks of cash inside. "Is this my last payment?"

"Yes." Liang Doukou was shocked at how confidently Qin Zhi'ai had handled everything after she entered the room. She hesitated for a moment before pushing the envelope in front of Qin Zhi'ai and stating the total. "There's $20,000 in each stack. You can count it."

Qin Zhi'ai picked up the envelope and responded, "Bye." She had no intention of staying any longer and turned around to walk to the door.

"Miss Qin, hold on a second."

Qin Zhi'ai stopped, but she did not turn around. Instead, she laid her suitcase by the door and unzipped it. She took the money out of the envelope and started packing it.