It Was Little Troublemaker, Not Liang Doukou(8)

There was no emotion on the man's handsome and attractive face. The eyes looking at her were cold and emotionless.  

It wasn't much different from her impression of him in her memories of before she had been ill.

But the exact moment when Liang Doukou made eye contact with Gu Yusheng, her heart trembled uncontrollably, and she turned away and looked at the food in front of her.

She knew that once she had switched identities with her substitute, she would sooner or later have to face Gu Yusheng. It was only unexpected that they would meet each other without any preparation or warning.

Gu Yusheng stood at the door, yet he didn't come in. His eyes were still cold and emotionless, staring at Liang Doukou without blinking.

The housekeeper saw that Gu Yusheng hadn't responsed, gazing oddly at Liang Doukou and then at Gu Yusheng, before asking, "Mr. Gu?"