It Was Little Troublemaker, Not Liang Doukou (9)

He showed no emotion, not even in his eyes.

His demeanor made Liang Doukou nervous, as if he knew she had a body double. He looked as though he could see deep inside of her.

She unconsciously gripped her chopsticks tighter while looking back at Gu Yusheng.

Zhou Jing had told her not to get too close to Gu Yusheng to keep him from noticing anything. Recalling this, Liang Doukou looked at the rice bowl in front of her with one bite of rice left. She calmly raised her chopsticks to add more stir fry to her bowl. She softly explained, "I'll have some breaks during production, and I'll come back to Beijing."

Gu Yusheng remained quiet while looking at her face. Although his expression was not mean or cold, Liang Doukou felt a chill crawling up her spine.

She finished her food and then put her chopsticks down. She pulled a tissue from a tissue box next to her and elegantly wiped her mouth before saying, "I'm done. I'm going upstairs now."