I Only Thought Of One Future (2)

"So don't think about anything now. You need to adjust your mood, so drive home with me, take a good bath, and get some rest. Don't forget, tomorrow you have to go to the Gu Mansion to have a meal with Old Master Gu. And the day after tomorrow, you'll join the staff of the play for rehearsal."

"Uh-huh," Liang Doukou replied with a smile to Zhou Jing.

Zhou Jing pointed to her car, which wasn't far away, and said, "Then I'll go."

"Okay," Liang Doukou said.

When Zhou Jing pushed the car door open, Liang Doukou called for her to stop, then Zhou Jing looked back. Liang Doukou makeup was messed up due to the tears on her face, saying in a very serious tone, "Thank you, Zhou Jing."

Zhou Jing stopped for a while, then gave her a smile. "It's nothing, Xiaokou."

Then she closed the door and walked in her high heels towards her car.

Zhou Jing sat in the car and waited until Liang Doukou had driven a distance away, then slowly followed her.