I Only Thought of One Future (3)

Another blinding lightning strike lit up the sky as his car disappeared around the curve at the entrance gate. An immediate crack of fierce thunder above her head sent the housekeeper hastily back to the door.

Only after closing the umbrella did she realize her pajamas were drenched, even though she had only been beyond the roof overhang for moments. The fog was so heavy that she could barely see anything.

It was dangerous enough for anyone to be driving on this night but, with his fever and lack of balance, the housekeeper was particularly worried that Gu Yusheng had sped off dangerously fast.

What if something happens to him?

The more the housekeeper thought about it, the more worried she became. She rushed to the landline phone before changing her clothes and called Gu Yusheng.

The phone rang endlessly, but he never picked it up.