A Scar on the Leg (6)

Gu Yusheng leaned leisurely against the wall beside the bed. As she finished drinking her tea, he was staring at a lamp on the desk in front of him, thinking about his own affairs. When he heard her voice, he turned, looked at her, and then replied "hmm."

Qin Zhi'ai was concerned about Gu Yusheng not getting enough rest, so she had given him an encouraging farewell.

Seeing that he didn't intend to leave, she was too embarrassed to say it again.

The room was suddenly silent.

She sat on the bed, quietly drinking her tea, while he continued staring at the lamp.

Qin Zhi'ai eventually finished her tea, and as she was about to put the cup on the nightstand, Gu Yusheng, who had been leaning as motionless as a statue, suddenly stood upright and came over.