A Scar on the Leg (7)

After rinsing her mouth, Qin Zhi'ai grabbed two pieces of tissue and wiped her hands quickly before rushing out from the bathroom. "Master Gu."

Gu Yusheng ignored her greeting and walked over to the French window. He placed the bowl of porridge on a small round table and turned around to look at her. "Have some and then pack your luggage. We're leaving for Hainan at three this afternoon."

The original flight was scheduled for the next night, after the team-building activities, but because of Liang Doukou, he had Xiaowang change the flight for a day earlier and get Qin Zhi'ai a ticket, as well.

Gu Yusheng was going to an exhibition in Hainan. He initially had not planned to bring Qin Zhi'ai along; however, he thought the warm weather in Hainan might be more comfortable for her than cold Beijing.

Is Gu Yusheng planning to bring me along on a business trip? But I've only interned with him for two weeks?

Qin Zhi'ai stared at him in disbelief.