Back Then, I Adored You (11)

Lu Bancheng waited for 10 minutes before uneasiness overtook him and he knocked gently on the door. Xu Wennuan made no response, and all he could hear was running water. He waited a moment longer and then raised his hand to knock again when he heard a barely audible soft sobbing on top of the sound of the running water.

There was a dull ache in Lu Bancheng's heart. His frozen arm hovered in the air. After a while, he lowered his elbow. He stepped sideways, leaned against the wall, and remained there quietly. The crying sounds in the bathroom alternated between loud and soft. His heart remained aching until three in the morning, when Xu Wennuan walked out of the bathroom, pale and expressionless wearing a bathrobe.

"Nuannuan." When Lu Bancheng heard the door, he immediately stood up and looked at Xu Wennuan. She turned a deaf ear to his words and continued walking ahead slowly.