Back Then, I Adored You (12)

"So, Lu Bancheng, I hope that you won't say things like that again—They're disgusting!

"Besides that, I do not wish to have any form of contact with you except when you really need me to play the role of your wife and meet your parents.

"As such, Lu Bancheng, don't talk to me when you don't need to! I'll be treating you as if you don't exist!

"I hope that you can abide by our agreement, and we can get divorced in one year.

"I'm assuming that's the guest room. You shouldn't have any problem with me staying there, right?" 

Before Lu Bancheng could speak, Xu Wennuan walked over to the couch to retrieve her luggage and then entered the guest room and slammed the door shut; then, as if she had suddenly recalled something, she pulled the door open again to get her keys and slammed the door again.