His Warmth (10)

Xu Wennuan gently nodded her head and stared at her nurse for a moment before asking, "I... How did I end up in the hospital?"

"Let's take your temperature." The nurse took out a thermometer and shook it before she handed it to Xu Wennuan and replied to her question, "Someone called the ambulance for you."

Only Zero had known that her stomach had been in pain, After a moment of hesitation, Xu Wennuan asked, "Was it a man?"

The nurse replied in the affirmative while she took Xu Wennuan's blood pressure. "Well, did he leave his name or any message when he called for the ambulance."

The nurse shook her head and replied, "No. He called 120 from a landline."

Xu Wennuan acknowledged the reply and stopped asking questions for a moment. Recalling that Zero knew her address made sense to her, but she was puzzled about how he could have entered because her apartment had been locked. She asked, "How did you all enter my apartment?"