Let’s Meet (1)

Her body had almost fully recovered, and after she was discharged she went straight to work at the spa instead of returning home. By the time Xu Wennuan completed the work that had accumulated for the past few days, it was already 7:00 p.m. Having just experienced a gut-wrenching stomachache, she obediently ate some bland food at a Chinese restaurant near the spa before she flagged a taxi and went home.

When she reached the entrance of her apartment building, just before she entered, someone called out to her. "Miss."

Xu Wennuan stopped in her tracks and turned around. When she saw that it was her neighbor, her lips curled into a smile and she greeted her. "Hello."

Her neighbor looked as though she had just returned from one of her square dances with her friends, as her forehead was covered with beads of sweat. She hurried over to Xu Wennuan before asking, "Are you feeling better?"

How does she know I was unwell?