I've Loved Her for a Longer Time, and More Than You Do (3)

Xu Wennuan came up with a rough estimate and raised one finger. She said softly, "One thousand."

Lu Bancheng did not say anything. He dug out his wallet from his pocket and opened it before remembering that he had given most of his money to the foreign man when he asked him to act as his friend. All he had left was spare change that didn't even amount to a hundred.

He internally panicked for a moment and then shut his wallet. He was just about to tell Xu Wennuan that they needed to look for an ATM when he thought about how she had mentioned making an overnight trip back to Lijiang. Changing his plan, he asked, "You're heading back to Lijiang later?"

"Yes." Xu Wennuan nodded her head.

"With a private car?"

Xu Wennuan nodded again.