I've Loved Her for a Longer Time, and More Than You Do (4)

Lu Bancheng's gesture halted before it could materialize.

After a few seconds, he retracted his hand and stuffed it in his pocket. He stood beside the car with a calm expression for a moment and then glanced at Xu Wennuan through the car window. He saw that she had already settled in and was looking at him curiously, wondering why he had not entered the car. The moment their eyes met, she looked away.

Lu Bancheng's throat bobbed. He looked away as well and exhaled softly, forcing himself to pretend that he hadn't noticed how she was being distant and resistant toward him. He calmly lifted his heels and went to the other side of the car. Then, he started the engine and expertly drove toward Lijiang.

Xu Wennuan sat quietly in the backseat the entire way, maintaining her posture of looking out the window. Lu Bancheng glanced at Xu Wennuan through the rearview mirror from time to time, as well, but he never made a sound to disturb her.