Love Comes Softly (2)

With a calm expression on his face, Wu Hao raised his hands and pushed Jiang Qianqian away from his arms slightly. "Jiang Qianqian."

When Jiang Qianqian heard Wu Hao call her name, she lifted her head and gazed at him with her teary eyes. "Ah Hao." After she said this, tears poured down her cheeks uncontrollably.

Wu Hao lowered his head and gazed at Jiang Qianqian's face for some time before he lifted his hands to wipe away her tears. His actions were gentle. For all the years that Jiang Qianqian had been with him, this was the one and only time that she had felt a sense of gentleness from him. She was instantly stunned. Although she was in the police station right now, her heart could not help but flutter from an indescribable sense of excitement and joy.