Love Comes Softly (3)

She had been exceptionally happy that day. Despite his words having been heartless, she had felt that she still had a place in his heart, but now she was sure that she had overthought everything. As she stared at Wu Hao, she realized she had now forgotten to cry. After some time, she finally asked, "You were the one who sent me home when I was drunk that night, weren't you?"

Jiang Qianqian deeply wished that Wu Hao would shake his head. Even if he had been behind all those things, as long as he refuted it before her, she was willing to play the fool and believe him until the end, but now he was proving colder and more heartless than she had imagined. He blinked resolutely at her without bothering to hide and said, "Yes."

Yes... How could he reply so unabashedly? I've been with him for a long time, and I am his woman...