To Go Our Separate Ways Till The End Of The World (1)

Qin Zhi'ai, who had arrived late, seemed to have something important to share with Xu Wennuan. She jogged all the way over to her and then apologized for being late, quickly pulled out a chair, and sat in front of her. She then raised her hand, beckoned the waiter over, and ordered some food. After the waiter left, she began saying eagerly in hushed tones, "Nuannuan, remember when I complained to you some time ago about how we could never contact Brother Bancheng and he seemed to have just vanished?"

Xu Wennuan hadn't expected Lu Bancheng to be a topic during their conversation so, when Qin Zhi'ai mentioned him first thing, she momentarily froze while pouring the tea. She looked down and gave Qin Zhi'ai a soft acknowledgment, before she continued to pour unhurriedly and replied in a calm, steady voice, "I remember. What's up?"