To Go Our Separate Ways Till The End Of The World (2)

"It seems that he was in a car accident and in a coma in the hospital for two weeks before he woke up."

Xu Wennuan's face turned pale.

How serious was this accident that caused him to slip into a coma for so long?

No wonder there was something wrong with his complexion when I saw him a few days ago… He'd just recently gotten out of the hospital... And he didn't get out of the car even when he saw me, and he never got up when I was at his house. He didn't send me off either, and even when I fell he just sat there… At that point in time, I was so upset because he'd become a completely different person… But it was because he couldn't walk...

When I twisted my ankle that night and cried my heart out at the foot of his apartment building, and Wu Hao was suddenly there to get me without any explanation... Lu Bancheng must have been the one who called him…