What exactly did I see?

These were the thoughts of Gracius when his focus returned to Clay who had released such strong energy fluctuations that the it manifested almost tangibly. This made him close his eyes and cover himself. However, when next he opened his eyes there was the truly familiar figure of Clay that he remembered when he first saw him.

"N-No! This is not the same, his…his eyes are no longer kind!"

An unpresented terror entered his bones as he looked at Clay then, without even making obvious movements, Clay and the Ancient One disappeared. And when they disappeared, three figures suddenly appeared before Gracius.

"Your majesty… did master, r-return?"

"Y-Yes, b-but we may have brought a thorough disaster to our human race because of this incident today!"

"I, I feel it, Captain! Master… he's not himself, I feel the incredible and boiling rage even from far away!"

"This… master."