The storm is comming

Yang Zhang saw Lin Yi and Long Xinya and he felt his heart go cold, the elders immediately followed them and they asked all remaining members to go back to the Yang Clan and report it to the elders and clan head

Yang Zhang was feeling extremely conflicted, he originally wanted to take his revenge and kill Lin Yi off, but now he escaped from his hands and was flying using some sort of weird armor, if he escapes the elders his Yang family would face severe problems from Azure Empire, Lin Clan and even though the Emperor would make sure that Yang Clan survived, it would surely pay a heavy price.

while the elders were chasing Lin Yi and Long Xinya, they a large distance behind them

"Yi the number of pills we have are slowly decreasing, if we go like this it might take only one day before they are completed, we need two more days before we reach Azure Empire's borders"

"Xinya, you don't consume the pills, let me consume them and I will carry you so that we can have two days worth of pills"

hearing this Xinya blushed

oh my grand wife what romantic scenes are going on in your mind, we need to escape quickly otherwise those old monsters will catch up


she said in a mosquito like voice and I carry her in my arms, I placed my hands on appropriate places and she circled her hands behind my neck and lowered her head, she was red till her neck, I use the entire berserk Qi of lightning and increase my speed and finally upon nearing the borders the elders knew that they could not kill us anymore they gave up their chase

we didn't stop until we reached the Royal palace, most of ordinary people would see a streak of light and think that a Rank 10 powerhouse was travelling and just admire it

meanwhile in Yang clan's elder's gathering hall

Yang Zhang and the rest of his companions from earlier were questioned and the expressions of elders and Clan head looked grave, if the elders killed them then they could reap profits by discording conflict between Lin Clan and Azure Empire but if they were unable to kill them their Yang family would most likely be in a worst state.

The clan head and elders didn't scold Yang Zhang since if they had chance to kill Lin Yi and cause conflict between Azure Empire and Lin Clan, they would have done so, but who would have thought that Lin Yi and Long Xinya could fly and this really exceeded their expectations, after 4 days the elders arrived and said that they could not kill them

meanwhile Lin Yi and Long Xinya directly arrived at the Royal Palace flying, this was seen by Long Shan

"so the Husband and wife are openly displaying their love, so my instruction was correct, if an elder would have gone with you guys their might not be any change in your relationship"

"Sis Shan we came like this because Yang Clan tried to kill us and we had to escape two Elders of Rank 7 and 8 and we had to save Qi recovery pills to fly over and save our lives for the past 3 days"

hearing this Sis Shan showed a horrific killing intent and she said

"Let's meet Royal father immediately, there is an envoy from Blue Crown Continent in the Palace hall, there is some discussion going on between the high level officials, we will ask the explanation from the Envoy"

saying it we immediately head to the palace

we directly entered the hall and since there was a serious conversation going on and the sound of the door's opening caused the Emperor to be angry but upon seeing us he immediately displayed smile

"Yi, Xinya you both are back, how was the trip and why did you guys directly come here?"

before I could reply Xinya shouted like with a wronged expression

"Father!, I and Yi were almost killed by the Yang Clan of Blue Crown Empire"

"What!, why would they try to kill you both? and how did you both come across Yang clan"

I took over from here

"Father we both completed our training and both I and Xinya wanted to visit Lin Clan and we flew over the inner region and arrived at the beginning of middle region of forest in Blue Crown Continent when we unexpectedly came across the members of Yang clan, they wanted to kill me for the revenge for Killing Yang Chen, they wanted to kill us both and throw us in inner region of forest and wanted to cause conflict with Lin clan and Azure Empire and reap profits from it"

"what a good Yang clan! if they don't provide me a reason then it will cause a war with Azure Empire and the Yang clan, Envoy from Blue Crown Empire return to Blue Crown continent at once and ask Yang Clan to provide me with proper explanation"

"very well your Majesty"

the envoy bows down and takes his leave

"Yi, Xinya I will provide proper explanation for you both, rest for today"

since what we wanted was achieved we leave to our chambers and I know for sure there will be storm coming soon enough