The Yang family's answer part-1

As expected the envoy reached the Royal court of the Blue Crown Empire, the empire was having a pretty good relationship with the Azure Empire from many generations and now the marriage between Lin Yi and Long Xinya made the relationship even better and they were already discussing on how to move against the Nightbreak Empire and sent an envoy a few days earlier and they were having a meeting regarding the next steps of the alliance and suddenly the messenger informs that the envoy has come and the Emperor is waiting for the news

"Your Majesty something terrible has happened!"

"what happened?"

"Yang clan members tried to kill Young Master Lin and Second Princess who were training in demon forest"

"Why will the Yang Clan's members try to kill them and how did they even meet them?"

"Your Majesty, Young Master Lin and Second Princess were training by themselves in demon forest and they wanted to visit Lin Clan and come towards Blue Crown Empire and coincidentally Yang Clan's younger generation were in demon forest tampering themselves and they encountered each other and Young master Yang Zhang wanted to take revenge against Young Master Lin since they had two elders of Rank 7 and 8 and wanted to kill them and portray that because of Young master Lin's mistake both of them died in inner region of demon forest and wanted to sow discord between Lin clan and Azure Empire, but Young Master Lin and Second Princess had treasures that enabled one to fly and they escaped the chase of two elders and returned back safely to Azure Empire and they immediately come to the Palace and they met with the Emperor of Azure Empire and naturally the Emperor was furious and wanted Yang Clan to give them a satisfactory answer or else they would go to war with Yang clan and asked our Empire not to interfere with this matter"

hearing this the Emperor grew furious

F*ck, here I was thinking how peaceful the Empire is and when we complete negotiations with Azure Empire we can immediately make a move on NightBreak Empire and now these guys had to go try killing Lin Yi and second princess of Azure Empire and even wanted to cause a conflict between the nations

The Emperor looked at Yang Family head indicating to explain himself

"Your Majesty my Yang Clan is in the wrong side this time, we will naturally provide explanation to the Azure Empire"

"Yang family head seems to be taking my Lin Clan for air, my son was also tried to be killed so providing explanation for Azure Empire is not enough"

the Lin family head spoke up when there was no one mentioning Lin Yi

The Emperor sighed, how could he not know the conflict between the Lin and Yang Clans, now there would be a problems with Azure Empire if they didn't provide proper Explanation and Lin Clan would cause a havoc if Yang clan didn't provide them an explanation as well

"Lin Family head your son is now the Prince Consort of Azure Empire, so providing them Explanation is enough"

"Since Yang Family head says so then how are you providing an explanation to Azure Empire?"

"We would pay them 10 Rank 10 medicinal pills"

"Yang family head is the crime done by Yang clan's members worth just 10 Rank 10 medicinal pills?"

"then what does Lin Family head propose?"

"publically behead the members of Yang Clan who tried to kill the Prince Consort and Princess of Azure Empire to avoid any ill will of Azure Empire towards our Blue Crown Empire"

"Lin Ming don't go overboard how dare you ask my son to be beheaded in public, Your Majesty 10 Rank 11 medicinal pills can be considered be extravagant already, publically beheading the Yang Family would cause our Empire to loose face"

"how would it be considered loosing face, it would be considered showing our stance towards alliance"

"then is killing our Empire's members considered showing stance for an alliance that is required for the mutual benefit of the Empire"

"Yang Clan head please don't group the traitors who tried to kill the Prince Consort and princess of a country which is our ally as members of our empire"