The Yang Family's answer part-2

"both of you, stop it, you both are the Clan Heads and one of you is prime minister and other is revenue minister, both of you bickering like children is not going to solve anything"

The Emperor watches this banter and finally snaps at them

"Your Majesty I believe that 10 Rank 11 Medicinal pills is already good enough but clan head of Lin Clan is going too far"

"Brother Ming can you let the Yang Clan off the hook this once?"

"Your Majesty would you ask the Azure Empire and Yang Clan to let my Lin Clan off if their plan had succeeded?"

now the Emperor was could not say anything, since they both were safe, it was only a matter of providing explanation but if both of them were killed then he would sacrifice Lin Clan to cool off the Azure Empire and Yang Clan would definitely destroy the Lin Clan so now that they were safe, it would be a surprise if the Lin Clan would let them off, even if the Azure Empire let them off the Lin Clan definitely would not and now if he were to command Yang clans elites of younger generation and Elders of Yang Clan's public Beheading, it would cause Yang Clan to rebel and also they Empire would loose many future powerhouses but if were to accept the Yang Clan's proposal of giving Medicinal pills, it definitely would not satisfy the Azure Empire and it would also turn the Lin Clan which was loyal to the Royal clan against them and this would cause a lot of trouble and now he was in a situation where he could neither advance nor give up

seeing that the Emperor was not answering to his question the clan head of Lin Clan did not speak anything, he knew that if Yang Zhang's plan had succeeded then his Lin clan would likely be erased

so he was not willing to let Yang Clan off the hook

"who was the person who proposed the plan?"

"I don't know your Majesty"

the envoy said respectfully

"Your Majesty, Young Master Lin and both the Princesses are seeking audience"

"how did they arrive in such a short time?"

"they arrived by flying your Majesty"

"send them in"

while three days ago in Azure Empire

"Yi, Xinya lets go to Blue Crown Empire and go to Lin Clan and also get an proper explanation from Yang Clan"

"but isn't it too reckless if we go now sis Shan"

I asked her, it was only one day since we arrived but now she said that we should go find explanation

so I agree, since I want to see what fate that b*stard Yang Zhang suffers

so we agree and take permission from the Emperor and this time we leave two Rank 10 experts with us and leave for Blue Crown Empire and we arrive in the court after about 3 days and coincidentally it was a court session

and we were granted permission and enter inside

"Greetings Emperor of Blue Crown Continent"

all the three of us greet

hey hey hey since when have I been considering myself a member of Azure Empire and it came out so naturally as well

my greeting took the Emperor and others in court by surprise but Xinya and Sis Shan gave no weird expressions and felt what I said as something that's natural

"Have you been well First Princess, Second Princess, Yi"

before I could even answer Xinya replied

"Your Majesty we nearly died a few days ago and were continuously chased for nearly 3 days, how could we be well, it would be a surprise if we did"

"please be assured Princess Xinya, our Empire would give you a proper answer"

"Second Princess how about this, we will provide 10 Rank 11 medicinal pills and an apology, will you let this matter slide"

"who are you?"

The Clan Yang could only suffer in silence

"I'm the Clan head of Yang Clan"

"so clan head Yang believes that incident will be over by this?"

I spoke up

"Lin Yi, what exactly then do you want?"

"for starters you are expected to call him Prince Consort, and by giving a few pills do you really believe that we will let your Yang clan members who tried to kill them so easily"

Sis Shan spoke up

by now I figured out that Emperor did not want to publically behead the Yang clan's younger generations elites and the old elders"

"First Princess how about this, the elders were the ones that chased them both so we will hand them over to you and you can kill them"

the Yang family head spoke up

"Besides those two elders, the one that ordered them to kill them and the one who started the conflict even when others from your clan urged him not to was none other than your son Yang Zhang, if you let the two elders along with Yang Zhang publically then we will let this matter off"

Sis Shan that's exactly what I wanted

"what do you say your Majesty, the ones who wanted to kill my sister and Yi were those three so as long as you declare the incident was solely caused by those three we will let this matter slide and we also say that other members present in the group had nothing to do with the incident"

"since it is like that I declare Yang Zhang and the two elders to be publically beheaded tomorrow"