The Auction Begins

The Auction was held at a Huge Castle, this was because the previous arrangement for the auction hall were not able to contain the amount of people who wanted to join and take part in the auction

"Xinya let's leave"

I had my breakfast and went over to training ground to find Xinya, this girl was in no way interested in the first two days of auction and had only been interested in the third day where she could buy am ancient pendent which was said to be a great treasure from a long time back

Xinya was pretty much exited on getting the pendent to the extent she threw tantrums at her father and mother, they finally agreed to their family's little girl demands, so my princess was pretty much happy, Sis Shan was not too interested in the auction on the first day, this day only had medicinal herbs and materials related to prepare pills so I had no choice but to ask Xinya to accompany me as I didn't know anyone else close enough to go there with

"Yi please go by yourself, I don't want to watch that useless auction"

"please Xinya"

"fine I'll go and we will leave immediately after the item is auctioned"


I readily agreed, in fact even if she says that we will stay for the entire auction I would have objected

we leave to the castle where the auction is held

the castle was pure white, it gave off a sense of authority and nobility

there were guards who were at Rank 7 guarding the castle and checking the invitations


the guard stretched his hand and asked

we showed the invitation and he let us in, usually if the guards find a princess of a nation coming, they would bow at least but these guys were not a bit intimidated and had no inch of respect nor any sort of arrogance, just plain ice cold demeanor , even their eyes showed no emotion

sigh these guards from a Holy Land were so intimidating

we were escorted to the Azure Empire's Royal Family's auctioning area

we sat on a sofa and there were fruits and many types of wines

we wait for about ten minutes and finally it starts

a green robed women went on stage, she was a country shaking level beauty and she excluded a devilish charm

"I welcome all the ladies and gentlemen to the once in every five years Immortal Auction, this little girl is surnamed Ying and named Yue"

"why is she here?!"

"who is she?"

"the Holy daughter of Heavenly Flame Holy Land"

oh a holy land's holy daughter

system check her cultivation

RANK 7 ( PHASE 4 )

wow she looks just 16 or so but she already is at Rank 7

the fact here is she might be a demon level genius who can fight opponents above her rank

"why is she here then?"

"she is said to have a playful personality, since the auction is conducted by Heavenly Flame Holy Lands she might come here to have fun"

"the First item is Dragon's Grass which is a two thousand year old, base price of five hundred thousand and an increase of one hundred thousand"

a person bid the price of

"six hundred thousand"

an other person

"seven hundred thousand"




"one million two hundred thousand"

there was no higher bid,

"so it is going to the gentlemen"




"congratulations for obtaining the Dragons Grass"

the auction went on for more than two hours and finally

"Mutated Demon Lightning Herb Core Essence, base price of one million and an increase of 100000"

"one million and one hundred thousand"

"One million and two hundred thousand"





"ten million"




"twenty five million"

this was the highest bidding price

"thirty million"

this was my bid and the hall was silent

"so this is highest price?, since no one else wants to buy this at a higher price then it is sold off"





"congratulation to the Azure Empire's Royal Family on obtaining the Herb Essence, and also I feel bored of this auction and I will take my leave so please wait for a while and there will be real auction host this time"

since I got what I wanted I leave

"Yi since you got what you wanted let's leave"


we went to the auction backstage and paid 30 million and took away the essence. this was blood red liquid, I could sense a horrific demonic aura and a strong lightning inside