Meeting Ying Yue

"Second Princess of Azure Empire"

we heard a shout and the voice was familiar

we turn around to see Ying Yue coming towards us

"are you that familiar with her?"

"I am not, we met sometimes when my father discussed somethings with Heavenly Flame Sect back then and I got to know her"

"then.. why is she coming?"

"I don't know"

"Sis Xinya you are leaving without greeting me"

"Sis Yue I assumed that you were busy so I left earlier"

"hello Young Master Lin"

"hello Holy Daughter of Heavenly Flame Holy Land"

"ahh why so formal can't you address me as Sis Yue"

women you greeted formally as 'Young master Lin' and you expect me to return the greeting like a good old friend?

"Sis Yue is there anything you need to talk about?"

"yes, there are a lot of things I want to talk about, Sis Xinya let's have a meal and discuss it over"

since we didn't have our meals yet we might as well, Xinya looks at me and I nod

"ok then we will have a meal with Sis Yue"


we go back to the castle and enter a chamber, it was full of food and it seems this was already pre planed

"Sis Xinya wait for a bit, an elder wants to meet you guys"


who was the elder that wanted us

we look at each other and after a few minutes an elder arrives this guy was looking as frail as a stick but his aura was very Vast like a calm sea

this guy might be the strongest person I have come across after I came to this world

system check his cultivation

RANK 11 ( PHASE 8)

oh my god!, is this the strength of a Holy Land, even the imperial protectors of the royal families might have such a high cultivation but this guy was clearly an elder of a Holy Land

"Greetings Elder"

"sorry to invite you guys to a lunch without previous information"

"its fine elder"

"ah Yue you actually went as a host and messed up things there"

"Elder I just had a little fun, please don't say my dad about this, please ~~"

"little girl, you are getting naughty day after day fine this old man's lips are sealed"

"I knew that Elder was the best in the world"

"hahaha enough of the flattery little girl and lets have a meal"

we started having meal and Ying Yue kept chatting with Xinya

"Sir Lin, I would like to ask a few things"

"please by all means Elder, you can call me Little Yi, Sir Lin seems a bit odd"

"Fine Little Yi, is it true that you have Phoenix Bloodline?"

"yes indeed"

"can you show me your flames"

I will a strand of flames in air near the elder


the flames were burning the walls Themselves, after second Nirvana the heat and other properties of the flames have gone up

"Mythical Grade Flames!, such good flames"

"Little Yi, I am representing Heavenly Flame Holy Land and I am inviting you to join us"