
Fellow Nirvanic

[You have discovered the Secret Room in the Wizard's Tower]

They didn't gain anything from finding the secret room.

There were coins and some wands in the room.

Handsomest Crab picked up 45 silver coins and 720 copper coins. They decided for each person to receive 9 silver coins and 144 copper coins.

Emile now had 44 silver coins and 544 copper coins. He needs 56 more silver coins to have the minimum requirement to upgrade his ring.

Handsomest Crab identified the wands.

Flame Wand

A wand forged to cast flames.

Rank: Rare

Level Requirement: 10

Spirit +21

Intelligence +13

MAtk: 24-28

Effect: Fire spells that are cast through the wand deal 50% more damage.


Flame Strike

Casts a flame shaped like a sword which deals 125% magic damage and burns the opponent

Earth Wand

A wand forged to create the earth.

Rank: Rare

Level Requirement: 10

Spirit +20

Intelligence +14

MAtk: 23-30

Effect: Earth spells that are cast through the wand deal have a bigger range of 50%


Earth Wall

Casts a Wall made of mud, blocks opponent and deals 125% magic damage.

These wands were the exact same as the wand dropped by the wizard boss. The only difference was that it was a different element for each wand. It's as if the creator just copy-and-pasted the item.

They decided to give the items to Time Walker.

"Don't give me all of them, I don't need this many wands," he said while feeling flustered.

"Too late," Handsomest Crab said as threw the wands to TIme Walker.

Time Walker caught the wand and put them into their inventory.

"We need more mages in our party," TIme Walker said while feeling lonely in his occupation.

"We need to upgrade our party level before we can do that. We need 360 more experience before we level up." Flower Queen said.

"You'll be our only mage with stats in spirit and intelligence for now. We have two fake mages," Handsomest Crab said with some jealousy as he looked at Emile and Lily.

"I randomly found a skill book," They both said at the same time.

"Alright, there's nothing left in his secret room," Handsomest Crab said after scouring around.

"We should leave and report this to the Chief," Time Walker said.

"About the mutant monster," Handsomest Crab asked.

"Yeah," Time Walker responded.

"You guys can report back to the Chief. I want to go check something out," Emile said.

"Me too," Flower Queen said.

Before this exchange but after their simultaneous yell, Flower Queen messaged Emile.

"I want to ask you something. Privately." Flower Queen said.

"Uhh... sure," Emile replied.

"Make an excuse to split up," She replied.

"Okay," Emile said.

His friends went to the Village Chief's home. They stayed at the Wizard's Tower.

"Is she going to ask me out. I'm not ready for this. Wasn't it supposed to be me who asked her out? There goes my dignity as a man. How embarrassing is it to be asked out by a girl," Emile started to have wild thoughts.

Flower Queen started to speak.

"Do you have the Nirvanic System," She asked curiously.

"Uhh.. no," He was expecting this type of question.

"It's okay, you can tell me, I have the system as well. I can use the Earth skill system." She said.

"Yeah I have it as well, I have the Fire skill system and the Water skill system," Emile said after understanding that Lily had the same system.

"Wait... repeat what systems you have," she asked. She wondered if she heard wrong.

"I have the fire skill system and the water skill system," He repeated.

"You have two skill systems!!" Waves of shock shrouded her mind.

She knew what it meant to have two skill systems.

"That's impossible," She said after regaining her composure.

"It's impossible to have two skill systems. That means that you have both elements as your bloodline. Even if your mother had the water bloodline and your father had the fire bloodline or vice versa, then the bloodline that is stronger will eliminate the other bloodline. It's impossible to have more than one bloodline in one body," she continued.

"Well, I already learned how to create a fireball in real life and a few hours ago I got enough skill points to get a skill from the water skill system. I don't know how to cast anything from the water skill system. I have the skill but haven't practiced it," He said.

"If you trust me, then you will believe in me. I'll show you proof soon," Emile said.

"*sigh* Fine I'll break my worldview for you," she said.

"Have you been to the Nirvanic Market yet," she asked.

"No," he said.

"Let me show you around the Market. Hold my hand I'll teleport us there," she said.

Emile held her tender hands. She used the Nirvanic System to teleport them to the market. Her heart was beating rapidly when he held her hand.

After a few seconds, their vision warped and they arrived at a new place.

The Nirvanic Market was unexpectedly bustling. There were lots of people walking around, talking, haggling, etc.

If Emile didn't know that this was the Nirvanic Market then he would have assumed that it was a normal market. No one could tell that all these players could cast magic in real life.

"Not all players can cast a skill at this point in the game. Some players don't even have a skill system yet. They need to gain enough resources to buy a skill system. Average people can gain the powers of an awakened if they have enough resources," she said as she walked into the Market.

"How did you gain your fireball skill," She knew that it cost 100 skill points to gain the Fireball skill.

"I never knew about skill or magic before Nirvana. I killed a Chief Rank monster by myself which gave me an option to gain a book. I got the book of fire," he said.

The book could convert into 100 skill points which allowed me to gain the first skill. The same thing happened with the water skill system. I got the book of water which could convert into 100 skill points," He continued.

"Wow you got lucky, other players who have never learned skills before would have to use resources to gain a skill system. Then they would have to be near their specific element for a certain amount of time before they gain skill points. They can use the skill points to learn a skill," she said as she admired his luck.

"I was born with the Earth bloodline. My family has the bloodline of Earth and they told me to play Nirvana to improve my strength. I've been forced by my family to practice Earth related techniques since I was 8 years old. I brought my Earth related skills into the game which gave me 200 earth skill points," She explained her situation.

"Did your family ever partake in the killing of another family," He asked hoping for a certain answer. Emile knew that her

"No, my family has always been lying dormant, they've always been neutral in everything they do. They might do some illegal things but it's not as bad as annihilation, why do you want to know" she asked.

"My dad told me that our family was obliterated by two other extremely powerful families, I wanted to make sure you weren't apart of that family. I feel relieved now," Emile said.

"Let's go explore the Market," Emile said hoping to get out of this depressing zone.

"Alright, let me show you around," she said feeling distressed after learning about his families condition.