
Challenging the 3rd Mission

The first gem Emile activated was the water gem. He used it, and a stream of water appeared. It rushed towards the boss, dealing a lot of damage.

The gem dealt 1,000 damage.

The fire gem had the same effect. A lava formed in front of Emile and surged towards the boss. This did 1,000 damage.

The boss was pushed back by the attacks, and its spell ended. It went back to its previous state which Emile could deal with ease.

Emile continued to attack the boss. The timer decreased. His health deteriorated due to the poison.

The boss was getting closer to death when it used {Volt Strike} again at 20% of its total health.

Emile remembered that it took a decent amount of time for the skill to end. He evaded the first attack. Emile regretted not buying more gems. These gems could deal entire chunks of health.

It could also stop the boss from moving.

Emile evaded the first charge. He used a time gem to lower the 7-hit slashes skills cooldown. He used 7-hit slash on the boss which stopped the boss from moving. He used another time gem to lower the cooldown once again.

Emile used 7-hit slash again which stopped the boss from moving. The boss had around 7-8% of its health.

The boss stopped casting the skill and Emile summoned a Yin-Yang Blast.

Emile attacked the boss a few more times before it fell. He completed the quest in 1 hour 25 minutes. He had a lot of spare time left.

The game might have expected the player to run away from the boss whenever it cast a skill. Emile didn't run too often and stayed near the boss for most of the time which allowed him to kill the boss faster than most players.

Emile was teleported out of the meadow.

"Did you complete it?" Stella asked.

"Yep, 5 out of 6 medallions," Emile said.

"Good luck on the last quest," Stella said.

"Do you have any tips?" Emile asked.

"Don't kill any boss until they both can die in or two hits. We have the strengthen buff active on the bosses meaning that when one dies the other gets stronger." Stella said.

"Well, I figured that out in the second quest," Emile said.

"I can't give you any other hints since the bosses are randomly selected by the computer, so I don't know which boss you're going to battle," Stella said.

"All right, thank you for your help. I want to try the third battle out a bit later," Emile said.

"All right. Come back, when you want to try it out," Stella said.

Emile used a space gem to teleport to Seraphyl. He wanted to buy more gems for his usage.

He bought 100 water gems, 100 fire gems, and 100 wind gems. Emile bought 15 more time gems.

He couldn't use the time gems anymore since he used the maximum amount he was allowed.

Emile had stocked up on items. He used 315 silver coins to purchase these gems. Emile crushed another space gem to teleport back to White Star city. Emile realized how convenient it was to teleport between places.

Emile walked back to the Adventure Guild.

"I'm ready. Please teleport to the meadow," Emile said to Stella.

Stella sighed.

"Good luck," she said. She pressed a button.

Emile was teleported once more to the grassy meadows. This time he was worried about the difficulty.

He spotted the bosses in the distance. It was two different bosses.

Mission Gatekeeper #1

Great Chief Ranked monster

Level 10

Hp: 20,453/20,453

Atk: 207-243

MAtk: 122-156

Agility: 71

Skills: {Summon} {Golden Strike} {Roar of Destruction} {Spacial Jump}

Weakness: Set to have no weakness.

Mission Gatekeeper #2

Great Chief Ranked Monster

Level 10

Hp: 32,221/32,221

Atk: 125-152

MAtk: 208-234

Agility: 65

Skills: {Summon} {Golden Rain} {Elemental Destruction} {Time Stop}

Weakness: Set to have no weakness.

The only similarity lay in their skills. The bosses had the summon skill. They both had an attack with golden in its name. The bosses also had a skill that had destruction in the name. They had opposite elements of each other. One had time-related abilities while the other had space-related abilities.

Emile thought of the best way he could deal with them. He could spam the items and kill them with ease.

Emile didn't believe the boss would be this easy, but he hoped for an easy time.

Emile used a water gem on the second gatekeeper. He then used a fire gem on the same boss. Emile used the wind gem on the other boss to push it back.

He had already dealt 2,000 damage to the second gatekeeper.

The timer started. This time Emile had 3 hours to kill the bosses.

Emile realized that there was a small cooldown on the individual gems. Each gem had a 30-second cooldown.

Emile saw the second boss summon steel balls at launch it at Emile. Emile dodged these attacks.

They were challenging to dodge since they moved at swift speeds.

The other boss was running in the distance. It was charging towards Emile. The boss would come close to Emile in 20 seconds.

Emile cast a few fireballs at the 2nd gatekeeper boss. He did around 500 damage with his multiple attacks.

Emile ran away from the boss. He needed his gems to be off cooldown. He looked back every few moments to see if the boss was shooting spells at him. As expected, the boss was shooting metal balls at him.

Emile evaded the attacks by running to the left and right. Since he was increasing the distance between them, the attacks took longer to reach him which allowed him to dodge with ease. Even a normal person could dodge an attack as long as it was far away.

The other boss was gaining ground on Emile. That boss was a faster than Emile by a small margin.

After running for some time, Emile's gem cooldown went down and he used the wind gem on the first gatekeeper. The wind gem never did damage to the boss, so the 1st gatekeeper was still at full health.

Emile used the fire and water gem on the second boss. This was going much smoother than the game intended.

This battle was meant to be unfair to the players. The purpose was to find strong, resourceful people. Item was a player's resource, so it was allowed.

The boss lost 2000 hp from both attacks.

The first boss couldn't get close to Emile. Emile would cast a Yin-Yang Blast at the first boss to stop it for a moment.

It worked. This was the first damage that Emile had done to the first boss. Emile ran once again and used his gems.

The second boss lost 2,000 more hp. The boss used its first skill.