
Gaining Fame

"Did you see my fight?" Lily asked with a laugh.

"Yeah," Emile said. He felt amused seeing her toy with the person. The person was in the palm of her hands throughout the entire fight.

They gathered the participants up once more and ordered them into pairs. They grouped them up to fight again.

These people were all commoners or average people, so Emile had no troubles when fighting them.

He destroyed them in every fight. He was a strong candidate to have a chance at winning. The other candidate that the audience cheered for was Lily who was breezing through the fights with grace and ease.

It was a battle between Emile and Lily at the very end. This time Emile couldn't use his Berserk since that was a game exclusive skill. He had to use new methods to have a chance at beating Lily.

The fight began with a lot of hype from the audience. They cheered for one person or the other person.

Emile began the fight by charging forward and casting fireballs at her. It was the standard beginning for Emile.

Lily blocked the fireballs by using her Earth walls. Emile ran forward, and she created a mud wall in front of his face.

It smacked him right on the face. His vest's life decreased by a small amount. Emile wanted to go around the wall. He quickly realized that she created the mud walls whenever he tried to go around the wall.

Emile had to think of a solution. He used the new skill he learned. The fire infusion.

He cast the skill on his hand since he didn't have a weapon on him. A red glow surrounded his arm.

He punched the wall, and it melted. This was much better than he expected. The outcome

allowed him to enter through the walls.

Emile continued running and punching the walls. he reached Lily and cast fireball on her. He also punched her which wasn't a gentlemanly thing to do.

Her life depleted quickly, the vest considered her dead.

"Wow... did you see the intensity of that epic battle? Our young hero used his fist of fire and charged through all the barriers to defeat his opponent. What a magnificent showing. Can we get a round of applause for our young hero," the man with the mic shouted.

The stadium burst with high intensity. Emile quivered. These people were cheering for him. Emile walked over to Lily and gave her a hand. she was sitting on the floor with a pout.

She grabbed the hand and stood up. She dusted herself off.

"What do you have to say to the crowd," the man with the mic walked over to Emile and asked him.

"Thank you for the support. I'll come here more often to show more of my abilities." Emile said quickly. He slurred some of his words.

Emile felt nervous. He wanted to go back home and continue playing Nirvana. The man made a few more announcements.

Lily stepped on Emile's foot.

"You didn't have to punch me so hard," Lily said. She got rid of her foot from Emile's foot after realizing her rude gesture.

"Sorry... when I'm fighting I don't take gender into account," Emile said as he scratched his head.

"Sorry for stepping on your shoe," Lily said as she put her head down. She felt bad about her actions.

"Well... I did punch you," Emile said while scratching his head.

"You two can be lovey-dovey somewhere else. Please take your reward and leave," the man with mic said as he rolled his eyes.

"Sorry," Emile and Lily said at the same time.

"Here are ten tokens," the man said.

"These tokens can be inserted into the Gaming Cabin, and it will give some rewards when you play Nirvana," the man said.

Emile though he would receive prize money or something along those lines. Instead, they gave him away to get items in the game which was useful for Emile.

"Thanks," Emile said.

"No problem. All right, that concludes our demonstrations for today. Can all the contestants please return the vests," the man with the mic said.

The audience started to leave. People were still bubbling with excitement after watching the match with their own eyes and not behind a monitor or screen.

These local events were used to make believe that elements exist and people could control them with the correct nutrients.

Emile and Lily walked out of the stadium after handing in the vests.

"There he is!" Someone shouted from the crowd. Other's stared at the direction the man pointed. The man was pointing at Emile.

"There's the hero," someone else yelled. A small crowd ran towards him. Emile's fame with the local increased to high levels.

They knew that he was a strong warrior with capabilities. These people admired Emile.

"Can I have your autograph-"

"No, let me have it."

"You're so popular," Lily said with a laugh. She watched Emile be surrounded by fans. These fans lived around his city.

"Ms. Earth Lady can I have your autograph."

Lily had her fair share of fans. She gave a few autographs with Emilee. They were popular among the local crowd. Emile and Lily wanted to break free from the crowd. They had to push the crowd out their way before they could escape.

They took the bus back to their apartment. They scoured the location to check if any fan followed them.

"Ms. Earth Lady, can I have your autograph," Emile said with a laugh while they were on the bus. He remembered the moments from earlier on.

"Mr. Hero may I have your autograph," Lily replied to his goading. They had a quick laugh as they imagined the scenario they were in.

They reached their apartment.

"This morning was a fun morning," Lily said with a bright grin on her face, "and now... we have class."

"Class starts in an hour, so get ready," Lily said.

Emile did what she said. He got ready and followed his normal class schedule.

Emile arrived at his university and followed his schedule. He was slightly popular among his classmates since they found out about his fire wielding capabilities from other classmates who went to the event.

"Why didn't you tell us about your abilities?" Gerard asked. He was the person who loved to hear about the many gossips throughout the school.

"I wanted to have a normal class without elements being the main topic, so I didn't talk about having an element," Emile said as he scratched his head.

"You're not the only with an element, John got the water element and he could beat you with one hand tied behind his back," An arrogant classmate said. He wanted Emile reputation to fall.

"Well, I'll improve my skills, so I can beat him," Emile didn't fall into the goading. He didn't care enough to face off against his classmates.

"See, he's a coward," the arrogant classmate said with a laugh. He wanted other classmates to laugh with him, but none of them did.

He felt out of place.

Emile rolled his eyes and ignored the person. He focused on the lessons. He decided to not interact with that specific classmate unless he needed to.

After class, he went home.

Emile wanted to test out what these tokens could give him.