
A Stirring Storm

Emile continued walking around the camp and talking to the people. The party also did the same thing.


The guild broken into multiple smaller groups. They arrived at the plains and killed any cows that they spotted.

"That cow is mine!"


The plains became a chaotic place for the guild. They were fighting over the kill and the drops that would drop from the mobs. They had no sense of being a guild. These members didn't work together to kill.

Friendly competition inside the guild was always a nice thing to have. Too much competition would lead to internal struggles.

They needed someone to coordinate them into one unit.


"Hey, what materials do we need to create the mayor's tower?"

"We have the basic design complete. We need a few rare materials for the decoration of the place. Let me think about it."

"I can help you guys find the materials," FBS Fulcron walked up and intruded into the conversation. He was good at entering conversations.

"Can you?"

"Of course, My party and I are strong," FBS Fulcron said as he completed the motion to flex his muscles.

"Since you're here at the camp, I'll believe in your skills. The name's Wallace. I need you to find 15 Star Zebra hide, 30 Red Lion Hide, 50 Winter Deer hides, and one Triple Elemental Orb," the man stated his requests.

[Quest: Decoration Hunting]

[Objective: Find the decorations]

[Comment: Kill Animals, and trade with people to get these decorations]

[Difficulty: S]

[Progress: 0/1 Triple Elemental Orb, 0/15 Star Zebra Hide, 0/30 Red Lion Hide, 0/50 Winter Deer Hide]

[Time Limit: one week four days 13 hours 43 minutes 14 seconds]

[Penalty: Bad Reputation, -2 levels]

[Reward: 7500 Gold Coins]

"All right, I accept!" FBS Fulcron drooled over the reward and spoke quickly so that the man could take the offer back.

"That's great," the man said. He had no interesting characteristics. The man was ordinary and wouldn't stick out from a crowd.

"Guys! Guys!" FBS Fulcron exclaimed in the party chat.

"What is it?" Nimble Rod replied.

"I got a quest for us!" FBS Fulcron said. When he first entered the city, he tried looking for a hidden quest and never found one. He was ecstatic that he accomplished something.

"Nice!" Nimble Rod said.

"Quest?" Emile said.

FBS Fulcron shared the quest with the party.

"Hmm... seeing how the difficulty is S ranked, I think these items will be hard to get," Emile said.

"We need someone to do the research again," Time Walker said.

In the distance, Scarlet Sunset sneezed.

"Someone's talking about me," Scarlet Sunset murmured.

Emile messaged Scarlet Sunset who was walking towards Pyaka City.

"You need to... um go back to the library," Emile said.

"What is this time," Scarlet Sunset said.

"We need you to research Star Zebra Hide, Red Lion Hide, Winter Deer Hide and a Triple Elemental Orb," Emile said.

Scarlet Sunset sighed as she activated a Space Gem.

She teleported back to the city and headed towards the library.

"I kinda feel bad for Scarlet," Emile said.

"She's always doing these random things that make our lives easier," Nimble Rod said.

Scarlet Sunset was a team player.

After some time passed, Emile saw a few people come back and deliver the items for the quest.

Scarlet Sunset messaged them about the locations that have the items.

You can find Star Zebras in locations that have high chances of meteor showers, you can find Red Lions inside of Liberia Volcano, and you can find Winter Deer in White Tree Forest," Scarlet Sunset said.

"Why are lions living inside a volcano!?!" Nimble Rod exclaimed.

"No clue," Scarlet Sunset said.

"Which mob seems like it would be the easiest to get," Emile said.

"Let's go for the Zebras since that seems like fun," Flower Queen said. Volcanoes seem like a boiling place and White Tree forest seemed like a cold place. Only the zebras were in a place with a normal climate.

"All right," Emile said. He didn't have a better plan, so he accepted her choice.

Scarlet Sunset messaged them of a place with high meteor showers.


"Someone caused the mad scientist to blow up his machine alongside himself. The mad scientist is an idiot. What can dying accomplish," a man wearing a hooded cloak said.

"The good thing is that we destroyed one city with that weapon. More than one city destroyed would have been a bonus," the other cloaked man replied.

"Sadly, we have no more of those machines or else we would have destroyed multiple cities at once with them," the hooded man said with a sigh.

They had no remorse for all the individuals living inside the city. To them, it was a game. They didn't care about how many people died or how many lives they affected.

"That mad scientist never shared his research with us or how we could create those machines," one hooded figure said as he spat on the ground.

"Hmm... he is stupid. Is the internal strife plan working?"

"It's in progress... soon the next city will fall and they will blame it on the mayor. We will have nothing to do with it."

"That's good."


The party arrived at a famous tourist location. It was densest with people during the night time, where people came from throughout the world to watch the meteor showers.

The month of may was the peak time for meteor showers to occur. Emile's party arrived before night. They grinded during their wait for the showers.

"There are so many events that are time-based," FBS Fulcron said. He still was excited about being the person to find the quest.

"Time is always related to everything you do in life," Flower Queen said.

"Very philosophical," Time Walker replied as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm always philosophical," Flower Queen said with a laugh.

"Oh- I think the meteor shower is starting," Emile said.

He watched the first meteor zoom passed the sky. Many meteors followed behind the first initial one.

"Wow, it's so pretty," Flower Queen said.

"It is," Emile replied.

"Guys don't be distracted, we need to look for the zebras," Nimble Rod said. He went onto the main point that the party was here for.

"We can look for them in a few minutes, let's watch the meteor showers," Flower Queen said.

They watched the showers. They sat on the grass that swayed with the gentle breeze. The meteors had an assortment of colors ranging from pitch black up to complete white.

Some meteors had more than one color.

Other people stood around in the distance watching the showers. It was a nice time for the party.

They spent around two minutes watching the showers.

"All right, that's enough watching, let's go look for the zebra," Flower Queen said as shook off the dust from her bottom.

The party stood up and walked around. They soon noticed the zebras.

These zebras had star shapes on their body. They got their name from the pattern on the body. There were around 30-40 stars on one zebra which was annoying to look at.

"I guess we have to kill them," Flower Queen said.

The party tried attacking the zebra's but they could evade their attacks with ease. The zebras evaded the AOE attacks that Emile cast at them. These zebras had a special property. They need to discover these properties before they could get the hides.

A certain city was experiencing an unusual amount of problems while the party figured out how the zebras work.