
Preparing the Shop

"The contract is only for emergencies, correct?" Scarlet Sunset said. She held the contract in her hand. She would rip it up if the mayor didn't give here the satisfactory answers. Luckily, the mayor gave her satisfactory answers.

"It's written on the paper. I won't call you for random stuff that our city can handle without a problem," the mayor said with a laugh.

"All right and final question. How long will the contract last for?" Scarlet Sunset asked.

"A month. We don't need to worry too much after that month because I believe that whoever destroyed Pyaka City will be found and killed within this month," the mayor said with confidence. He was an outgoing and enthusiastic mayor which gave off a good impression to the party.

Scarlet Sunset nodded before handing the contract to the boss.

"All right, you guys can leave now. Also, you can contact me by using the communication device," the mayor said as he checked the time. Their time was running short.

The party walked towards the elevator. They noticed another group of people who were in the elevator. The groups ignored each other as they moved on with their lives.

Nimble Rod took out his Space Gem and activated it. Some other party members followed by taking out their Space Gem from their inventory.

"Don't you think they'll notice that we disappeared. It doesn't take too much time to figure out that we vanished from somewhere inside the building," Scarlet Sunset blurted out before the Space Gem activated and teleported a person away.

She was glad that there was a 10 second cast time for the gem; it allowed her to stop them from making a dumb decision.

They stopped using the gem after hearing her warning. They walked out of the tower, then teleported away after they entered a random alley.

The party walked to the remains of Pyaka City to accomplish the quest and gain the rewards.

"You're back with the items?"

"Yes," FBS Fulcron replied as he took out the items one by one and gave them to the man. He held the items since he was the one who found the quest.

"Sweet, you saved us a few weeks of trouble. You even got it before we completed the entire foundation. Here's the reward I promised you," the man said as he took out the gold coins they deserved.

It was 7500 gold coins which were an enormous amount anywhere in the game. They could use the gold to improve many things for the guild.

They wanted to create a shop with the money. They decided that this was the best course of action for the future since they would receive more and more money as time moved forward. Emile asked everyone in the party including Time Walker who was still busy with life.

After some time, the entire party agreed to create the first shop that would be open to all players and NPC's.

The first item they would sell was the Space Gem. It was one of the most useful items they've encountered. A teleport from anywhere. Players wouldn't have to walk the long distance when they needed potions again. It was an item that will cause the shop to flourish.

They couldn't open the shop without having a stock of items or the license to open a shop in a certain area. They had the land from the land deed, but not the permission of the mayor which was a requirement for all the major stores found throughout the city.

Emile walked towards the mayor's office and negotiated with the mayor. The other party members were busy traveling to the city in the sky for the Space Gems.

"You want the ability to open a shop in the market district and in the online stores?" The mayor asked with intrigue.

"Yes," Emile replied with a nod.

"You'll need a license and a few other things you need to sign before I'm allowed to give you a usable and legal shop," the mayor said.

Emile and the mayor worked out the details. Emile had to pay a 500 gold coin fee to get the ability to sign the papers. Soon, after lots of signed papers that the author wouldn't understand, Emile gained the legal ability to create a shop. (1)

"Good luck with your store," the mayor said. The mayor trusted Emile a lot after everything he had done for him. The mayor pulled strings to promote Emile's store whenever it opened. This advertisement would only happen one time. The shoutout was a thank you for Emile's endless help he provided for the cities of the region during a time of crisis.

Emile wouldn't know about the promotion until a few days pass by. As of this moment, he was clueless towards the acts of the mayor.

Emile headed back towards the teleporter to meet up with the party. They hadn't checked out the location where their shop would be. The online shop wouldn't take too long to accomplish.

"All right, how many Space Gems did you guys buy," Emile asked.

"I have around 400 of them in my inventory," Scarlet Sunset said as she scanned through her items.

"My inventory is full," Nimble Rod said.

"There was only 1000 in stock in the shop, so they have most of the Space Gems," Flower Queen said as she pointed to Nimble Rod and Scarlet Sunset.

"I don't think we should sell all 1000 on the first day. We should ration it so we get the most profit. Put 100 Space Gems today, then 100 tomorrow." FBS Fulcron said.

"Since when did you know marketing?" Emile said with an amused expression.

"I dabbled in marketing a few times to understand things," FBS Fulcron said as he scratched his head with a proud grin on his face.

"Huh... I never knew you knew about that," Emile said as they walked towards the future shop location.

When they arrived, then noticed an open wide area with a few stalls already set up. These stalls weren't in use. The party could price different items and put them behind the stall. A person would come up to the stall and buy the items. The online shop was the same thing except that the people could buy the item from anywhere in the city.

"Now, we need to decorate this place to look pretty. There are only stalls with no cool or wacky designs," Flower Queen said.

"We should look for different colored papers for the area we write the store sign on, and what item we are selling," Nimble Rod said.

After buying lots of random decoration items from the nearby stores, they decorated the stalls. They used blue and pink streamer since that made a pretty and vibrant color when put together. (2)

They used crepe paper twisted in a spiral shape as a decoration. FBS Fulcron found a cat figurine and left at the entrance which was an arch.

After a few hours of hard work, mostly moving one crepe paper over a few inches until it hit the right spot, the party completed all the decorations for the shop. They had the signs that stated what goods were being sold, the amount available, etc.

The party felt tired since it was late at night and they were working on a mundane task. Other than talking about random riddles they found throughout the forums or talking about the latest news, they didn't speak too much.

Each party member had one role to do in the decoration process. Everyone at the party contributed to the decorations.

They used 514 gold coins to set the shop up. It was a lot less than they expected. They thought the value would reach 10k. A wild estimate for sure.

Before the party got a land deed, they thought that they would have to rent the land, but instead, they now owned a piece of land.

Buying the decorations cost four gold coins. It cost ten silver coins for one space gem. The party bought 1000 space gems which cost ten gold coins. And finally, 500 gold coins went to sign the papers. The party didn't rent the land, so they didn't need to pay a rental fee unlike most other stores in the vicinity.

Their market was close to the popular stores with lots of customers, so there would be high traffic on this road. A random person might walk in to buy something, then walk out.

Emile logged out of the game and fell asleep.