
The First Day of the Shop

Emile found someone who went by Steven. Steven, a merchant, had 22 years of experience. He didn't have a job because the shop where he previously worked at got shut down due to the owner's poor management decisions. He suffered the repercussions of the owner's decisions.

Emile messaged the man with interest. After some bickering and persuasion from Emile's part, the man agreed to work for the shop.

Emile asked another lady whom he considered beautiful to work for their shop. He wanted her to be the eye candy for people who visited the shop. Her name was Isabella. She was 20 years old with two years of experience. She was the person with the least practice when compared to the other shopkeepers.

Steven required 20 gold coins per month, and Isabella asked for 12 gold coins per month.

Emile would have to pay them 47 gold coins per month to keep them hired. He had to pay many gold coins per month, but the party had lots of coins to spend, so they didn't worry too much.

Emile and the party now needed to create a name for the shop. A discussion took place.

"What do we call the shop?" Emile asked.

"Isn't that simple? Just call it Nature's Wrath's Shop," FBS Fulcron said.

"That doesn't sound good or flow off the tongue," Scarlet Sunset said.

"Why don't you think of one," FBS Fulcron said. He didn't know what else to call it other than the name of their guild. He continued brainstorming.

"Nature's Grace," Scarlet Sunset said. She liked using part of the guild's name into the store name. People would connect the names together.

"I like that," Emile said He had no inputs into the conversation. All he did was listen to others.

The party named the shop "Nature's Grace" because of the connection to their guild's name and the opposite meaning of their name. Wrath meaning fury, anger, and rage. Grace meaning peace, acceptance, and calm.

The party met up with the new shopkeepers. Emile messaged the shopkeepers to meet up in White Star City at the teleporter. It didn't take long for them to arrive.

The party exchanged minor conversation with them after they met up with each other. It was their first time hiring someone to do something for them.

The party instructed the shopkeepers about the price of the Space Gem. There was only one item, so it didn't them take long to learn.

"When should we open the shop," FBS Fulcron said.

"Well, I think we should put a limit on how many people can buy the Space Gems. If a group of people come in and buy all the Space Gem in bulk, then it wouldn't be good for the other groups. They would complain and want more Space Gems," Scarlet Sunset said. She attempted to think far ahead.

What about; you can only buy five space gems in one day," FBS Fulcron said.

That would give other people a chance to buy the Space Gems. I think it's a good idea. All right, I think everything is ready for the opening day," Emile said.

"I forgot to mention that I added our shop into the online market. People can buy Space Gems online and from here. It did just as well as the real-life store." Scarlet Sunset said.

"Nice. So now everything is ready," Emile said.

"Yep," the party replied.

"We'll open the shop tomorrow because we need to advertise the shop to our guild," Nimble Rod remembered what they had discussed earlier on.

"Let me write an announcement to the guild," Emile said.

Emile wrote the announcement and posted it to the guild.

The announcement said "We are opening our first ever shop called Nature's Grace. As of now, we are only selling one item which is an extremely useful item. It allows the user to teleport from any location to a teleporter of a city that they have visited before. Please support the shop by buying the item. Members of the guild get a discount. Instead of 100 silver coins, you can pay 75 silver coins. The shop opens tomorrow at noon. Don't miss out."

Emile mumbled the end words instead of typing it.

Emile listed all the benefits that they would get by buying the items from the shop. The guild understood that it was beneficial for any party who needed to get to the city quickly. The could skip walking by using the item.

Emile and the party could only wait. They had prepared everything after working for the past few days.

The party grinded. They had no other quests they needed to do, so the party began grinding on the mobs outside the city. The guild was growing near to completing the big search to help Pyaka City.

Another day or two before they could complete the quest.


The next morning, Emile went to class as usual. After he came back, he logged onto Nirvana.

The shop should have opened during the time he had class. He arrived from class after the shop opened for business.

Emile wanted to know what happened on the first day of the shop. He hoped that the shop wasn't a flop where very few Space Gems got sold.

It was the complete opposite of his hopes. They sold the 100 Space Gems limit in two hours. It was a great first day at the party. Their profit was insane. As long as the players didn't discover another location that sold the Space Gems, then they had a limitless stock of the item.

"How many gold coins did we get on the first day?" Emile asked. He wanted someone to tell him the figures even though he could have solved for it by using his mind.

"100 gold coins on the first day," Scarlet Sunset said.

"That's a lot. I think we made it rich by selling the Space Gems," Emile said with confidence.

"Yes we did," Scarlet Sunset said.

"What's the response of our guild," Emile asked with curiosity.

"The guild received the item well. The fact that they got discounts over other people excited the guild. People want to join our guild again," Scarlet Sunset said.

"Guys," Flower Queen spoke while they were amid a conversation.

"Yeah?" Emile replied.

"I heard from Time Walker that his dad wants to pay us to play the game. His dad is rich, so he could do that," Flower Queen said.

"I would love to play games for money," FBS Fulcron said. He appeared in the conversation.

"He was talking about how the party was very powerful, so paying a normal amount to hire us wouldn't be fair for the party. Time Walker rejected the offer," Flower Queen said.

"Why do you know this?" Emile asked.

"He told me about it. The party wasn't there when he talked about it, so I repeated what he said," Flower Queen said.

"Did we just reject money to play games," FBS Fulcron said with his mouth wide open. Speechless by the revelation.

"Yeah," Scarlet Sunset said with a laugh.


Meanwhile, deep in the lair of the Dark Ones, a conversation was happening between two individuals. They were scheming something once again.