Chapter 29: Minato's Revelation

"I can't believe this! i think i have to pull all nighters for remaining two days then i can beat Daichi again."

"you think i would sitting still when try to out done my hard work."

"you only able to come this far in small time is because of kaito. If i know kaito is that smart, i would have already came to study with him".

hmm... After this kaito has planned to go Mio's school, So I should go now.

"both of you keep studying I have some things to do, so i would be going ahead"

"okay, anyway I'm not going anywhere until I beat Daichi"

"What? do you I would sitting still? I'm also not going anywhere"

then kaito lave the library and went to Mio's school


"hey daichi"


"don't you think kaito is behaving little bit strange today?"

"What? he's behaving weird for many day and we already know he just show conviction to improve himself"

"that not what I mean. I mean he behaving Little bit monotonous and also did you see how he was fighting"

"Now that you said it, also think today's fight also weird. I already know kaito is kind of like an op Martial artist. But today was totally different, even after getting attacked by all people they didn't even able to touch him"




while kaito(Myl) is waiting outside of Mio's school

"I should wait for Kaito's sister to go home first, then I should talk to that Minato kid"

then Mio like everyday came outside and talk to Minato about something and left for home.

Taking the chance Myl went to Minato after Mio gone home.

"Oh, what are you doing here junior?"

"What is Mio worried about?"

"why do you think she worried about something? you know it's not good to spy on your sister"

"Are you the reason she is worried about?"

"you know your sister told me not tell you anything, but I think there isn't any need to hide it if you have suspicion about it.hmmm... your sister basically came to ask for protection"

"who does Sister need protection from?"

"it's not for her protection but for your protection"

"what do you mean by my protection from Akio?"

Then Minato told kaito(Myl) about that an ex-senior 'Akio Takahashi' from a mafia group is blackmailing Mio. by saying he will hurt Kaito and her family if she didn't listen to him and became his wife and he is the same person kaito seen the other day.

"Would you tell me the address of that person ?"

"Wait! aren't going to ask me why she came to me for protection ?"

"I already know why. both of you have good relations and you are also a part of big mafia organization"

"What? you already know this?.... but my organization is that big and we really don't do illegal thinks. hmm, but I don't know if I should tell you?"

"if you don't I can do it myself"

I can't let harm come to kaito, I don't really care about others in Kaito's life. But I should protect people kaito care about or it will hurt kaito.

"hmmm... if you are going to find it anyway then I can tell you, but you shouldn't go there alone".

"Don't worry about me, just tell me his location".

then after getting the location Myl went to his location.

after Myl left, Minato called someone on Phone

"Everything has gone according to plan till now, Now it's your turn. Do things exactly as I told you?."

???"Okay boss !"

just as Myl gone out of school location, some stops Myl...

"hey, I was just looking for you"

it was Cho who stops kaito

"I have some information, I think you should know"


"I was talking with boss about Minato and he said only one thing. 'Never Trust That Bastard' and Nothing else, So you should be careful".

"Don't worry I don't really trust anyone, so i will be okay"

saying that kaito(Myl) left for Akio's place.


following Minato's information Myl came to a abandoned Warehouse

hmm, it's the location that kid given to me. let's just look inside.

after going inside Myl saw Akio was talking with some of his people whose look like his underlings.

" I will kill that bastard Minato. he and also that Mio, they think they can get away with..."

then hearing voice of door opening.

"WHO IS TH...? WELL..., WELL..., WELL...., LOOK WHO IS HERE? you really do came. you know, you got guts to come here after what your sister did to me ?"

"Are you the one who is threat for me and Mio?"

" don't worry, I'm not going to kill you or anyone in your family, but I am going to teach her a lesson for betraying me ?"

"Hmm, since you're just a brat, I'm just going to warn you. Keep your distance from Mio and ishikawa family. Else I have to eliminate you, so you doesn't become a threat in future".


After 5 minutes...

everyone was knocked out on the ground except kaito

"How... could you be so... strong?"

then Myl look at Akio and said

"If you don't wanna die, don't ever come in contact with anyone from Ishikawa family".

saying that Myl starts to leave the scene


???"HEY! What are you doing idiot? don't shoot him, I don't wanna kill him"

it was one of Akio people who is trying to shoot Myl from behind.

But, before he can even pull the trigger, Myl came in front of him and send him flying to wall.

seeing kaito's(Myl's) power Akio is getting frustrated.

"he just push him... Just a push, that's all. How much powerful is this kid?"

After that someone came from the front door

???"Didn't I told you kaito to not go there alone?"

it was Minato who came from front door.

he came and stood before kaito.

"What are you doing here?"

"Come on! What would I do if you got hurt? What would I tell your sister?"

"As you can see I'm completely fine so you don't have to worry"


"What are you saying? I am com... ?"

before Myl could say anything, with sound of loud bang Myl fell on the ground.

and Minato standing in front of him with a gun pointed towards kaito and he said with smile

"See! I told you, you're gravely injured and about to die, I don't know what would tell your sister. She would be so sad".

Seeing this Akio got angry at Minato

"you Maniac ! what have done?"

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? I didn't do anything. You're the one who kill kaito and kaito is one who killed you in fail attempt to save himself. But he successfully saves his family from you. Really! What a brave kid ?"


"You still didn't understand idiot ? IT WAS ALL MY PLAN. Hmm, it's look like you still don't understand, then let me tell you whole story since you're gonna die anyway"

then Minato came in front of ***.

"Do you know how did your reputation gone down in High School last year? Yes, it was me and my people who was pulling strings from behind. Don't get the wrong idea, I never had any conflict with you. you're just at wrong place on right time. It's really is all about Mio. You know, before you i ask her to marry me after she graduate After all she is highly compatible with me. But that bitch, she rejected me. Then you came, and she starts to like you, after rejecting me. So I decided if can't achieve my goal one way, I will achieve it by another way. So I created that fake betrayal situation between you two. You thinks she betrayed you and you think she betrayed you. With this she was so sad and gloomy and its working toward my plan. But it was not enough. So when you threaten her to hurt her brother and family, I got my chance and develop a plan for fall of her brother in hand of person she used to love. Now she will So despairing and heartbroken because of a her dead brother and so regretful of loving you. Can you Understand Now, how elegant my plan is?"

Akio was aghast at what he had done ?

'No, I should have ask Mio, I shouldn't have assumed everything'

"you Maniac, everyone kill this bastard "

He shout at his people, but everyone is knocked out except some people and even they are not listening to him.


Then Minato start laughing with loud voice and said

"Do you think I would came her unprepared? Even so I can take care of all your people by myself , I like to play games with people just to make process interesting. I already bought more than 80 percent of your people here just for today event. They are supposed to take care of remaining 20 percent people. But I didn't expected that kaito will take care of them easily. He could be very excellent candidate for my family, but by making Mio despair is much more fruitful. Even if he is Non-Human, he still lose in front of gun. well it's no biggie, I already expected him to be a Non-human since he is Mio's brother. "

Akio is so hateful and regretful toward Minato.

"Mio was innocent. It was you who done all this and Now because of me her brother is also. ...If I am gonna die anyway I am going to take you with me. At least this will make her life little better by eliminating you."

saying that he jump toward Minato with knife to attack him.

but he before he can touch Minato something rose him up.

"hmm! what is this?"

Something like a living shining dark light energy coming from Minato behind which holding Akio up in the air.

"well, well! good try! do you like this. Now you know why my family is so powerful. Almost all members of my family are Non-Human. But descendents of main family are little bit unique. We can grow much powerful by absorbing life energy from other people's. But after many generations our abilities had degraded. Everyone has to find a compatible subject to absorb his or her life energy. But compatibility rate is getting low by every generation. And this where Mio came into the picture, her compatibility rate with me is more than 90 percent. it's so high that she can enhance the abilities of next generation to almost by 10 fold. This is Why I asking her to marry me. But she rejected me. So I decided to take another path, that I would absorb her life energy. But to Absorb that energy in pure form, subject have to be in extreme state of emotion. So that's why I start making things difficult for her. And now after she will find out that her brother die by your hand, she will be in extreme despair. Wah! I can't wait to absorb that pure life energy."

Seeing all this Akio has given up since he can do nothing anymore but wait for his end.

'I'm so sorry Mio, I had only one more chance..."


???" I think I've gather information, So you are the one of the anomaly in this time stream I'm detecting ?"