Chapter 30: Minato's Fall

Seeing Minato is about to hit him, Myl doesn't able to dodge the bullet. So he create a small worm hole to guide the bullet away from him before it penetrate Kaito's body. But that impact make him fall on the ground.

'hmm, I have some doubts about that Minato kid from the start, but didn't expect to straight away shoot me. It's look like his next target is that Akio kid, it's look like they are talking about something'


after listening to Minato story

'So, this Minato kid is the one who's behind all of this. And he also has some abilities which should not exist in this World and timeline. According to him his ancestors same has abilities, but more powerful than him. It's seems like his family is also an anomaly in timeline kaito was talking about.'

???" ...Wah! I can't wait to absorb that pure life energy."

After analyzing the whole situation, Myl stand up from the ground.

"I think, I've gather information. So you are the one of the anomaly in this time stream I'm detecting"

Seeing kaito is standing beside him like nothing happens, Minato got baffled.

"Wh...? How are still alive? I just shoot with gun... well It's no surprise for a Non- human to be not hurt by bullets. But you will not remain alive for long"

saying that Minato also capture kaito(Myl) with his tentacle like dark energy.

"How does it feel kaito to knowing that you're going to die next moment ? you know what I'm going to give you a chance to live. Kill Akio and I will let you go and your sister will also be free from him"

Listening to Minato, Akio got anxious

"Don't listen to him kaito, no matter what he says he's going to kill you."

Then Kaito(Myl) said" you don't have to worry, I already knows that"

"Well if you can't play my game I just have to kill you two. Don't think you can just protect yourself like before. Let me show you example"

saying that Minato put his one of energy tentacle on ground. And its start to create pressure causing part of ground to decompose instantly.

"hmm, your powers really seems very effective"

Seeing that kaito(Myl) was standing beside him

"Wh..? How did you get out of my god arms?

"What? God arms? don't call it God arm's. God arm's is something which can never be in possession of an idiot creature like you."

"I had enough of you. I think I have to get little bit serious"

Then from behind of Minato dozens of energy tentacle like arms came, trying to capture kaito(Myl). But No matter how hard he try, he can't match kaito speed and reflex.

"Don't you think you can get away today, if I let you go my whole plan will fall apart"

then Minato let go of Akio and start to randomly throw his tentacle arms around him. It created a big box of destructive energy with Kaito(Myl) inside it.

"Now this is the end of line for you kaito, but don't worry at least your sister will remain alive, but as a live stock".

saying that energy box starts to shrink at rapid rate and erasing everything in its path.

"Hmm, you are a definitely a threat to Ishikawa family. So you have to be eliminate or you can be a become a obstacle in future."

"What? you think you can kill Me! And in this situation. Hahahaha, you must be getting mad seeing your end in front of your eyes"

Ignoring Minato's words Myl starts walking toward him and with his only touch cage created by Minato starts to dissolve in air.

"WHAT? How did yo... ?"

Before Minato could finish, Myl punch him with light punch. Like giving someone a little fist bump. But Minato senses starts ringing in all directions so he Covers his front with energy shield. But still, impact form his punch throw him to the wall. Causing him to get injured.

Seeing all this Akio was the one who was so shocked and relieved.

" I'm glad that I didn't do anything to kaito or Mio, else i would in same situation like Minato. And i didn't have any abilities like Minato to save myself. No! I don't think so, even if I have the Minato's powers I won't be able to save myself. Kaito is like a mythological strong character in stories."

On the side, Minato is trying to make himself stand from rubbles. And Kaito again starts to walk toward him. Seeing this Minato frantically starts to create shields in front of him. But with every punch kaito throw, his shields starts to blast like water bubble. By continues destruction of his energy shields Minato was on his last leg.

"NO! I'm not going to die like this, I'm one of the strongest descendant in my family. ...I don't wanted to use this power but"

Then Minato starts to concentrate all his energy at single point which starts to transform into sphere. He keeps accumulating his energy into his hand and sphere grown five times bigger than Minato himself. it's start to look like a small size sun is floating in mid air but with dark black light.

"This is the all the energy I have in me, there only couple of people in my family who can take this attack head on. After this I will lose 90 percent of my energy, but don't worry I will recover it from your sister."

"hmm, so this is your complete energy. ...this could be useful for me in the future"

saying that Myl open a dimensional pocket in center of the sphere and Absorb all the energy into it.


"Is this all you have? then it's the time I should eliminate you"

After concentrating all his energy into sphere Minato doesn't have anything left to defend himself with.

"N... No, you ca... can't kill me? If you do this my whole family will be after you?"

"hmm, you're right?"

"Right! Now if you understand then..."

"you're right ? I can't deal with unnecessary trouble, i need a little time to become stronger"

saying that Myl grab Minato head with his palm

"No! Wait! What are doing? What's happening?"

after some a minute...

Minato was on the ground unconscious

'i have erased all of his memories related to me and my family and also tempered with his past 5 years memories. It will not stop his family from finding out about me, but it will at least delay them for a year or so. I have also taken sample of his DNA structure to replicate his power. It will be useful for Kaito.'

"you there, come here"

Myl then call-out to Akio sitting in the corner

Seeing Kaito's abilities, he didn't resist and went toward him.


"you're not allowed to disclose any of this to Mio or ishikawa family. If Mio ask you will tell her you are the one who save me from Minato's people"

"And what about him?"

"put him somewhere around is home and take care of his people. just remember Minato was not present here, and none of his people are. If anyone tell them this and take care of all his people present here. And if any problem arrive contact me. Do you understand?"


"Okay then, take care of all this"

leaving Akio to take care of the aftermath Myl went to collect item by creating a portal to place near the shop.

???"Ha! What's happening ?"

after all the mess kaito finally woke up

"Oh! you finally woke up."

"Myl? Am I sleepwalking?"

"No! you're not sleepwalking. I'm the one who's controlling your body while you have been sleeping"

"What? you can do that?"

"yes, i can. But since I will lose control if host wants to since I'm not the real consciousness of this body"

"okay! let me try."

then kaito try to move his body which shifted control back to kaito

"oh! you were right?"

"So what time it is and what did I miss?"

then Myl tells Kaito all about what happen with Akio and Myl

Listening to all this Kaito was silent with fear and anger.

Fear of losing his sister and danger which could came on his family.

Vast anger for Minato who think about hurting his family.

"That bastard why did you let him live and didn't kill him"

"Calm down kaito! you can kill him easily. But if his whole family of Non-human came after you right now, I don't think we will able to handle them. Right now we need time to get powerful"

"Hmm, you're right. My anger just take over me. But how can this be possible, Nothing like ever happened in my previous timeline"

"yes, you were to right earlier. Something has created a divergence in this timeline"

"does that mean events will not moves like it's was in previous timeline?"

"May be or maybe not. Something will still remains same,but unexpected event can happen anytime. So we have to be ready for it"

then Kaito went to Collect the ingredients from shop and went to his home.


"Mom, where is sis?"

"she is in her room, but where were you coming from so late".

"I was studying late with daichi and Fumihiro"

"okay. Go meet Mio, she was also asking about you"

hmm, she may be worrying about me because of Akio

then kaito went upstairs and knock on the door

"Sis, are you there?"

then she came instantly and open the door

"where you have been?"

"Sis..., i wanna talk about something to you"

kaito said with grim voice which cause tension in Mio

"what is it?"

then kaito told her everything about what happened with Minato and Akio. Except he told her it was akio was the one who fight off Minato and his people.

Listening to all this Mio is terrified and trying Mutter some words and tears starts to drop from her eyes. Without saying anything she holds kaito in her embrace and start crying.

"I'm... Sorry! I'm... sorry! It's all because of me. I'm sorry! No, You aren't hurt. you didn't get injured, right?"

"I'm alright sis, but I just want you be stay away from Minato and any of his family and if anything happens please tell me. I'm may not able to take care of it, but I know some people who can."

"what people? Kaito you're not doing something dangerous, right?"

"sis, just believe I will not do something which will put me in grave danger. please just trust me."

"okay, but please don't do anything dangerous"

"Don't tell mom and dad about this, right now okay?"


"And one more thing. I know after what Akio did things between you two would be solved but please try to stay away him for time being"


"No but sis, just do what I says"

"hmm, okay"

"And Now stop crying, everything is all right now or mom and dad will get suspicious"

then Mio clean her face and went to do have dinner with her family.