New Beginnings

She tore off the excess pieces of cloth on her, reducing the layers she put on Mu Chen's clock and tied her hair up in a pony tail.

"I'm surprised you can still walk."

Was from her husband as he sat crossed legged under a nearby tree watching her satisfied someone like her had become his.

"It hurts but I'll live." She replied before saddling her horse that had been drinking to refresh itself. She patted it's neck before turning to the smirking prince as he sat topless showing well built lean muscles, his white hair that was sprawled around him intensified his allure.

She couldn't help but allow herself to smile slightly driving up his ego. "Let's head out, I want to reach the nearest village before someone we don't want finds so." She said lifting herself up the horse wincing at the pain between her legs.

"If my wife wants, I'll follow her to the ends of the earth~"

He was in an extremely good mood, and she subconsciously couldn't help but swoon, at this point she was beginning to believe such a person was too perfect to be true.

If he was really too good to be true, then let her enjoy him before he vanishes from her sight.

They arrived among a small cluster of straw huts in the middle of the forest with a single path going through it to the boarder; Liu Ji Lian looked from behind the trees at the small bustling town next to a large expansion of rice herb farms. It had taken half a month to arrive at this boarder village that was the last stop before the neutral seaside town run by merchants. Liu Lian shivered involuntarily as a gust of cold air swayed the herbs and passed her, pulling her cloak more tightly around her body she felt a large cold hand intertwine his fingers with his. She leaned her head back n his broad chest and she inhaled closing her eyes hoping to gather the little courage she could.

Then she advanced forward with the snake resting on her neck so it could see what was going on.

[Why do you have to stop by this village?] It asked for the 29th time with an annoyed sigh following the statement, she payed little attention to it as she attempted to bend in despite the remains of the luxurious outfit she was wearing at the night of the banquet. Feng Mu Chen noticed a figure sneaking around in the shadows in order to stay hidden and he smiled pretending not to notice.

"You had told me before we had to find the cave right?" She asked calmly her eyes darting as she glanced at the suspicious movement of a few maidens that whispered to each other before rushing off. "You also told me it most likely moved somewhere else and i should find it, you were also unable to give me any good hints, so please shut up." She was harsh, but she was also fed up with this wild goose chase.

Mu Chen chuckled before hugging her from behind, his long white hair draped down in front of his face covering his eyes. Swiftly a group of black clad figures swooped down surrounding them, and she glanced at them with a calm appearance, this seemed to be the fastest way to get to whoever was in charge of all those herbs, he was most likely a physician. She smiled slightly her hands holding on to the strong arms around her waist.

"The master wants to see you." One said preparing to fight if needed but Liu Lian calmed Mu Chen's tense arms and quietly told Nagini waiting at her wrists to retract.

"I would love to~" She said gently as she noticed the citizens gathering to see what was happening, they were used to the men in black as they were the ones that protected their village from invasions and criminal activity.

They looked at each other slightly confused at the girl who willingly accepted being captured by strange men, she smiled sweetly at them so they nodded before approaching to tie her up so she wouldn't be able to escape. As one of them reached out to her a deep threatening voice cut through the awkward silence sending the men back a few leaps instinctively.

"Don't touch her."

Mu Chen foully glared with one eye and the other still covered by here making Liu lian laugh nervously. "I'm so sorry, my husband is really protective, is it ok if we just follow after you?" She asked nicely which oddly didn't contrast with the rough aura radiating from her husband.

They were naturally unwilling to let the hostage walk leisurely behind them, if the couple escaped wouldn't the master have their heads? But they reluctantly agreed seeing that they had no other choice and she began to walk behind them to through the village. Despite the stares form the curious villagers Liu Lian strolled along behind them like she was on holiday in front of the tall handsome man walking behind her like a sort of guard. Taking them to the edge of the lands full of herbs she gasps at the beautiful manor in the center of these fields that had thousands of maidens harvesting certain herbs. Seeing the man standing at the balcony of the manor she felt pleasantly surprised.

[Was not expecting the fifth prince to be a physician] The snake exclaimed as it noticed the growth in excitement in it's mistress.

"Pleasantly surprising."