Fifth prince does your sister know about your secrete money pot?

The manor was fitting for a son of the royal family; grand and luxurious with no expenses spared when decorating the oat wood rooms, beautiful fountains in the courtyard with a few herb maidens gardening and making sure the garden was beautifully decorated.

something had caught her eyes, a magnificent white tiger laying in a batch on sun lazily, her heart shook slightly as she remembered her best friend's tiger. It raised it's head and turned to her, it's translucent black eyes stared at her and her brows raised.

"What is the titled princess doing all the way here?" A rather hoarse voice could be heart by a young prince walking up to Liu Lian and her husband who glared at him.

"Fifth prince does your Jie Jie know about your secret money pot?"

His eyes narrowed dangerously, he looked suspiciously at the man behind her and decided to play the fool.

"What do you mean?"

She smirked crossing her arms. Those herbs outside weren't just normal medical herbs. That was definitely...

"I didn't think you would be the type to grow such disgusting plants."

She knew.

He knew she knew.

"What are you trying to say?" He snapped his fingers and the tiger raised from his spot and stalked to the two lazily but with the same majesty she remembered.

A chuckle escaped her lips forcing him to shiver involuntarily, who would've guessed the prince would be the one to own a secret cannabis farm and dared to use Rei to threaten her.

"Your sister gave you this tiger?" Liu Lian said squeezing her hubby's hand that seemed tense.

"Un, she got a better pet and decided to give me this as a birthday present" He replied with ignorant pride failing to noticed the tiger was walking to the girl with a hint of fondness in its eyes.

"What? scared?" He taunted as her pale fingers could be seen from under her sleeve as she reached out to the large tiger.

"It's been a while, Rei" It licked her fingers and rubbed it's head against her hand remembering she was it's master's special person, by purring and shamelessly acting cute it managed to crack a small smile in Liu Lian's eyes. Turing to the prince who stared in shock at the docile tiger her eyes were cold once again.

"Now your highness, let us try this again" Mu Chen interjected harshly, Liu Lian relaxed taking a seat on the tiger that was more than willing to conform to the person his master loved, Mu Chen's heart shook as he saw the devilish smile on her face "does your jie jie know about your secrete money pot?"

If she found out he was harvesting such a plant that would practically destroy the economy, with her new found power how would she let him live?

He growled as he clapped his hands and a few heavily built maids came running in with a sedan that he climbed on using one of their backs as a stair. "The walls have ears, let us talk inside."

Rei walked after him followed shortly by Mu Chen who made sure they were not ambushed by the same black ninjas that had brought them there in the first place, Liu Lian patted the tiger's head and looked forward to her future adventures.

Loud screams filled the palace courtyards, as a skinny man was hung up on a wooden pole. His ribs stuck out through his skin as blood dripped down around him. The officials of the court were knelt down with their foreheads touching the dusty earth and sweat dripping down their heads.

In front of them was a man who stood confused staring up a large procession of stairs that lead to a large old and ivory throne that was occupied by a slender figure draped with crimson robes embroidered with gold and silver threads, a large hair set sat on her head along with a hair of long blazing blonde hair reaching her knees and gorgeous green eyes glistering in the sun.

A large shadow loomed over her and stood perfectly still.

"Lan'er... why?"

"Your majesty" Her eyes chilled sending shivers down the Emperor's spine as he stood in fear of the beast standing above his once beloved daughter, " please forgive me." Closing her eyes she comforted herself, the blood of her family was on her hands, she was filthy.

But it couldn't be helped.

Her own father stood aside while the country deteriorated due to the widespread overdose of the green star, a new type of drug that has been circulating around their kingdom for the past few years.

Her own father was profiting off the deprivation of his people.

"Eloho." The large dragon above her shifted slightly, it's grey scales spiking up as it's large snake like body slithered in the air. It's long gold beard floated around it with it's claws twitching slightly.

The Emperor couldn't help but realize he didn't notice when his daughter had changed so much.


He couldn't help but smile as his eyes turned cold and his soul left his body.