Got You!!

Breaking news-

The community of Water House - Kingston Jamaica, has been agitated, because of what transpired in a public bus.

A police team found two heads in a passenger's bag on the route to Portmore.

A young man, about 21 years old, got into the bus with a backpack, at Three Mile.

Shorty after he boarded, fellow passengers then begin to perceive a strong smell from the boy's backpack.

The horrible smell, made the passengers suspicious and one of them alerted the driver of the matter.

The driver saw some patrolmen on patrol and beckon them.

The policemen then stormed the bus in commando style and began to search the passengers.

One of the policemen almost fainted in shocked when he opened the 21 year old boy's backpack , he founded two heads.

After examining them carefully, the policemen found out that they were two known heads.


It was a head of garlic and the other of an onion.

Thank you very much for your attention! Now you can continue doing what you where doing!

YOU love too much drama!