That's Tempting

I was backed in the corner of a dark alley, surrounded by three guys. If I was gay and a masochist, I would probably like this scenario but I'm not.

(I'm not hating on gay people nor do I hate them, I just thought of this joke and thought it was funny. Please don't find me and burn my house down, I still wanna live my 80 years)

As they approached closer to me I could feel a sense of death coming upon me. I started to call out for the system but she never answered,

Screw the system, I was told that it would help me. But look where it got me, I got tricked by the system and now I'm about to die. Great, just great.

"If you start begging us to forgive your actions, me might not kill you." One of the men said.

I'm a man of pride and I was told to never kneel before anyone, especially if the person want you to beg forgiveness. So I answered back with a resolute tone.

"No way in hell am I going to kneel before 3 worthless scums of society!"

Hearing me calling them scums sparked their anger, and without a moment to soon. They all pounced me.

The first guy punched me in the gut making me lose my breath and bent slightly forward. The second moments later kicked me in the side, knocking me to the side and fell to the ground.

The last guy then started kicking me repeatedly and was soon joined by the others. It fucking hurts so much, but I'm not going to beg. No way in hell am I going to beg.

I could feel blood rising through my throat and was about to spit it out but I soon swallowed it back down. I wasn't gonna allow these guys get any enjoyment of seeing my blood.

I don't know how long passed, but it sure felt like forever. But after awhile a voice could be heard, but I was so disoriented and close to passing I couldn't hear what the person said. But I was able to determine the voice was girl.

Soon after I could hear a scuffle and some sounds of punches and kicks. I then look up and see a girl fighting off three guys through my blurry vision.

The girl dodged every punch those guys gave her and it only took her a punch or two to take each one down. It was an amazing sight to see. Those bastards deserved it.

The girl then hurried over me and asked me something but as she was talking everything went dark.

I then woke up in an unfamiliar room and asked myself "Where am I?" As I looked around I saw the bright light coming from the windows and could tell it was the next day.

As I was looking around I could tell it was girl's room since there were feminine decorations and the smell of perfume lingered in the air. As I kept on looking through the room a menu appeared.


Escaped From Death (Passive Buff)

Description: This buff increases your stats by doubling your current abilities


Coming close to death (Check)


"What the hell is this!?" I asked the system

"This is the power that was promised to you," the system laughed.

"So your saying I have to face death to unlock more powers??!?"

"Well, not all. But most yeah."

You have got to be serious. I have to face death to unlock more powers.


I faced death once already and one time is already too much. But the system want me to face death multiple time. No way in hell am I going to do those.

Well at least there are buffs I can get without trying to kill myself.

"So system what how do I unlock these other buffs without killing myself?"

"It all depends on me." The system said. Wait, did she just say it depended on her? Whats the point of trying to unlock those buffs that I don't have to almost die for, if it all depended on her.

She already wants me dead so what the point of unlocking the other buffs that don't require me to kill myself. I might as well ask her how to unlock those buff since it wouldn't kill me for asking.

"So what do you mean by it depends on you?"

"It depends on how much I trust you." Trust? this is ironic to hear from someone trying to kill me.

"Trust from a system that tries to kill me? yeah..."

"Stop calling me system, I'm tired of being called a system. My name is Stella, plus those requirements where you have to face death weren't created by me, so stop making me the bad guy."

"So who made it?" I asked wanting to know was the one who made my life a living hell.

"The old man made me so he's most likely the one who made those requirements."

That damn old man! No wonder he said good luck to me, he's the one who gave this reaper of death to me so that he could watch my despair. I hope he wakes up to ugly girl pleasuring him and ends up having syphilis or herpes.

Or even worst, erectile dysfunction. He won't be able to pleasure himself at all if he had that.

Coming to an understanding that Stella wasn't the one to be blames but her creator, the damn old man. I apologized.

"I'm sorry for blaming you for trying to kill me."

"It's ok, I should apologize for killing almost kill you as well."

I never expected someone to ever almost killing me. It's like pushing someone off a cliff and waking after a year of coma with a broken body you apologize with a smile on your face "I'm sorry for almost killing you, will you please forgive me?"

"Now that we forgiven each other why not you tell me how I can make trust me more?"

"Just by listening to me more will I trust you more and by your actions."

"Alright then, I'll just listen to you more then."


I started to wonder how my character stats were so I asked her for the details. soon after a character detail menu popped up in front of me.


Name: Dumbass

Age: 21 year old virgin

Strength: Sort of weak as hell

Occupation: Shitty Janitor

Traits: nothing besides being a worthless piece of shit. slowly improving..... not really. still a piece of shit.


"I thought we we're warming up to each other?!" What's with these stats? With the buff where my stats are doubled, from weak as hell, it went up to sort of weak as hell. What an upgrade....

"I have no power over this" Stella laughs seeing my pain as I'm looking through my character detail.

If my strength is 'sort of weak as hell' I wonder how it would be once I'm stronger.

As I was losing my self-esteem looking through the stats and asking questions to Stella the door to my room opened.

Moments later a girl came in, It was a long black haired beauty. Seeing that I was awake she said with a smile.

"Your awake, with your injuries I thought you were going to be unconscious for awhile more"

"I have a pretty strong body, and thank you for saving me" I replied and thanked her.

"No problem, Those guys that were kicking you as you were down are scums of the society. people like them should be beaten." the girl said righteously.

Listening to this was like listening to a show where the hero saved a damsel in distress from the hands of criminal and gave a justifiable reason to why he beaten those guys up.

"In any case you go out their and beat up more guys like them you should be careful, you are just a girl and only one person." I warned her.

"I'm a strong person, I can take care as many people that appear in front of me easily." she replied back to me, ignoring my warning.

Oh shit my job, I'm late for my job! Oh I'm so gonna get fired, but I might as well call the school.

"Hey can you give me minute so I can make this phone call." I asked the girl.

She nodded in agreement. I then take out my phone that somehow did not break from all the kicking I experienced and called the school.

"Hey this is Alex Foge here, I'm calling about being late to work."

I waited for awhile for a reply and moments later all I heard was,


Just like that, I was fired in just seconds. Great, now I'm a 21 year old virgin that is a jobless in society. Soon after the character detail popped up.


Name: Dumbass

Age: 21 year old virgin

Strength: Sort of weak as hell

Occupation: Waste of space in society

Traits: nothing besides being a worthless piece of shit. slowly improving..... not really. still a piece of shit.


Wow, this is just rubbing salt on my wounds! Just when I can't feel any worse, this pops up. Is their a buff for killing yourself? Another menu popped up.


End of suffering

Details: increases your stats by 1000x, become a super human, become handsome, be able break any law you wish, and to become god


Killing yourself (Not achieved)


Damn, I'm actually tempted to kill myself...