New works

sorry guys this isnt a new chapter but this is something im working on. I actually like this one and I hope you guys would read. The new title is called Reincarnated Legendary Contract Killer.If you liked it go to the actual page that you can ding by clicking my name where youll find my other works including this. I hope you enjoy this.

The room was dark as its lighting only came from a dim lit up lamp on a desk and was dead silent as the only thing you could hear were those in the room that were breathing. There were a total of four people in the room. One was tied to a chair, his hands bounded behind the chair with hand cuffs made out of a special steel inhibiting him from breaking it and legs bounded to the chair as well.

He was an unsightly looking person. It could be seen as his hair was disheveled and it looked like he hasn't taken a shower in forever, he even had bruises on face as it came from the daily torture he endures.

The person who was tied into to the chair was the legendary contract killer, Reed Aniston. Reed Aniston was only given the minimum to eat by his captors making him malnourished. But even though he was malnourished, he was still strong enough to kill his captors right in front of him.

The people in front of Reed was Taylor Ford and his two bodyguards that rarely leave his sides.

Taylor Ford worked the Crimson Syndicate, a terrorist organization that many people fear as the organization had a long history of killing important figures and almost destroying countries. Taylor Ford himself was one of the suppliers for the Crimson Syndicate. He was a malicious person who would destroy anyone who stood in his way and do anything to complete his mission.

"Now tell me where the Guardian HQ is, if not I will order my men to skin you alive and watch you scream in pain and then I will cook you a live as you cry in pain asking for death." Taylor threatened Reed as he slowly walked up to the table and stood on the other side of it and adjusted the lamp to shine on Reed's face.

The Guardian was a secret organization that was created solely to counter the Crimson Syndicate and one day eliminate them.

As the light shined upon Reed's face, even though it was dim, it caused Reed's eyes to squint at the moment the light laid upon his eyes. He then looked up with his unsightly bruised face at Taylor and said

"Give me your ear and I'll tell you."

Hearing his response, Taylor couldn't help but be happy. He has been torturing Reed for weeks and nothing came to avail. He was ordered by his superiors not to use any drastic means that would cause Reed to gain any permanent mental damage or lead to his death.

So to not break those orders, Taylor's only choice was to starve to the point where he only getting enough food to survive and to physically torture at a level where he it wouldn't kill and mentally scar him. His superiors were getting mad at how long it was taking as well and was nagging him about when they'll get the information they needed.

Taylor feared the consequences of not giving them the needed information so when Reed told him to give him his ear to tell him what he wanted to know, Taylor didn't think of any consequences of doing so and went up to him and placed his left ear next to Reed's mouth to whisper.

Taylor awaited for the information hes been asking for weeks but what he got was an unbearable sense of pain coming from his ear.


Taylor immediately backed away from Reed, clutching his left ear as blood was gushing out of it with his left hand and stared furiously at Reed with killing intent.


Reed spat something out on the floor not that far away from Taylor and looked back at Taylor with a dead look in his eyes. On the floor was Taylor's ear! Reed tricked Taylor to thinking that he was actually going to tell him the location of of the Guardian HQ but instead of Taylor gaining something, he lost his ear instead.

To think that Reed who has endured weeks of torturing and hasn't even broke down yet. To think that he was going to tell the location of the Guardian HQ now was just naive. Plus, he was the legendary assassin feared by many people. He could weeks of torture if not months, to think that he would've broken down in a few weeks was a joke.

"Kill him! I want him scream in pain as you slowly skin him alive!" Taylor, controlled by his anger commanded his two bodyguards with pure hatred and killing intent in his voice. Even though he was ordered not to kill Reed, but humiliating him in such a way caused him to only think of a way to cleanse his humiliation. And that way to clean away the humiliation was to kill the one who humiliated him.

His two bodyguards then walked towards Reed as they brandished their blades with a menacing smile on their face. Reed, who was cuffed to a chair had no reaction as they walked towards him.

He thought to himself, " Skinning me alive and cooking me? You think I'll that'll scare me? I have endured years of training to prevent myself from knelling to pain. I have endured things worst than being skinned alive and cooked."

His thought's weren't exaggerated at all as well. As Reed grew up in his assassin organization before he joined the Guardians, he was trained to endure any sort of torture. The last step before completing the mission was to inject one of the worlds most deadliest poison into his body. The pain caused by the poison would kill a normal person instantly, if not kill then it would cause psychological damage to the point that it would make a person retarded.

Such poison was what Reed endured long ago and lived to tell the tale. After taking the poison, pain was one of the things he noticed the least or not at all. If Taylor and his superiors new this, they would've immediately done worst things to get what they want to know.

As the bodyguards stood right before Reed, right about to start on skinning him, a voice stopped them.

"What are you guys doing?" The person said with an angry tone as he entered the room.

Reed recognized the voice, he looked up to see who the person was. The moment he laid eyes upon the person his eyes grew wide wide in shock as anger soon grew in him.

" Dominic, you damn bastard! It was you who fucking betrayed me! We've worked together as a cooperation between our companies for years now. So why! Tell me why you betrayed us and is helping the Crimson Syndicate!" Reed cursed Dominic as anger got in control of him.

Dominic worked for another organization that fights terrorism. Under the agreement of cooperation, Reed was partnered up to work with Dominic. After years of working together, Reed trusted Dominic, but it could be seen that the trust he had for Dominic was betrayed.

" You actually thought I worked for that stupid organization? Hahaha, I was never working for them, I have always been working for the Crimson Syndicate. I was placed there to some how capture and interrogate you. Just so we can learn the location of the Guardian HQ." Dominic said as he exposed everything.

"So everything was a lie" Reed couldn't help but be hurt. To be betrayed by someone you trusted and worked with for a long time was something no one can not feel affected by.

"Yup, everything indeed was a lie," Dominic looked at the saddened Reed with a smile.

"Now tell me, where is the Guardian HQ's location" Dominic said with a threatening manner.

"I've been imprisoned here for weeks and after weeks of torture I haven't even said a single word. You think just asking me with a threatening tone would make me speak? How naive."

"Then so be it. Bring her in" After Dominic finished speaking. Two more people entered the room, one was holding a girl and soon tossed her to the ground..

"Amber! Why have you come!?" Reed asked in shock. From what he heard, Amber was overseas on a mission. Dated to come back in a month.

"After getting a report that you were missing I immediately headed back in search for you. I've searched for two weeks and nothing came to avail. It was then I got an anonymous message with a picture of you bounded to a chair in such a state. I knew it was a trap, I knew, but I couldn't leave you there rotting. So I traced the message which lead me getting caught here." Amber said.

Amber was someone who grew up alongside him while he was at the assassin organization. Together, through enduring the training of hell, they bonded together and saw each other as an irreplaceable person in their life.

" Not to get in between you two love birds but I got business to finish. Now, Reed, tell me what I want to know or she dies" Dominic who has been watching Reed and Amber speak to each other interjected and took a knife and placed it near Amber's neck.

Reed was now stuck. He didn't know if he should tell them or not. If he didn't then the person he cared about the most will die. That was something he wasn't willing to see. Especially right in front of eyes. While if he did then everything he worked for would go for naught.

When Reed came to an answer, he sighed as if he lost. He was going to tell Dominic what he wanted to know. If Reed were to compare what he cared the most, Amber or the Guardians, then he would rather choose Amber.

"The location is at -" As Reed was about to reveal the Guardian HQ's location, Amber interrupted him.

"No don't tell him!"


"You bitch shut up!"

Maddened at Amber who interrupted Reed, stopping him from revealing the location of the Guardian HQ. Out of anger he smacked Amber and yelled.

Seeing Amber getting smacked, something inside Reed snapped. Amber was someone he cared a lot and seeing her hurt was the last thing he wanted to see. It could be said that she was his reverse dragon scale.

Power rushed through his body, allowing him break through to another level. Feeling the new power inside him, Reed then broke everything that bounded him and immediately pounced on Dominic.

"Wha-" Before Dominic could finish a sentence, Reed kicked him causing to fly back and crashing into the wall. After the debris settled a mangled looking human could been seen in the wall. Taylor and everybody else just stared at Reed in surprise.

A bodyguard then snapped out of his daze and took out his pistol and was about to shoot at Reed, but right before he could shoot Reed disappeared before his eyes and appeared right in front of him snapping his neck. Reed then took the pistol before the bodyguard's lifeless body collapsed and shoot Taylor and the rest in the head killing them instantly.

"Come on let's go" Reed said as raised his hand in front of Amber for her to grab on and stood up. She took his hand and stood but she only stood for a second before collapsing. Reed caught her before she fully fell to the ground.

"You ok?" Reed asked with a worried a face.

"My body, it feels weird. I'm slowly losing control of it." Amber replied with a strained tone and sweating dripping down her forehead.

Poison! Amber was poisoned by Dominic before she saw Reed. It didn't take long for Reed to figure that out either. Seeing that time was of the essence he then took Amber's left hand and placed in on his left shoulder and started carrying her out the door.

The hallway he entered after exiting the room was filled with people with guns. Using his immeasurable speed and strength Reed was able to kill a lot of those people.

one, three, eight, eleven. For every shot he took with his pistol, he was able to kill one person. It wasn't soon that he spent all the ammo and and now had to find another. Reed didn't know how long has passed and how many he has killed but he was pretty sure it amounted to more than 40 people.

As time passed, Reed was getting weaker and weaker. The undernourishment and lack of sleep was finally getting to him. It was then at that moment where a gunman was able to fire a shot that Reed couldn't dodge.

"Watch out" Amber yelled as she used the bit of strength she had and used her body to take the bullet. The bullet pierced her chest and into her heart. It was only a matter of time before she died.

"Amber!!" Reed screamed his anger as he watched Amber collapse to the ground. New power risen in him as he then attacked the shooter who shot Amber by snapping his throat.

Reed then walked back towards Amber as the gunmen shot bullets into Reed. Reed didn't feel pain as walked towards Amber's bleeding body and knelled before her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't take you out of this place. I'm sorry that I got you killed. I'm sorry." Pain and guilt filled Reed's body. One of the main reason Reed was alive today was because of Amber. But now, without her, what reason should he stay alive for?

"It's ok, to die beside someone I loved the most is something I have always wished for. It seems that this wish will come true. Even though it isn't the way I truly wanted, this still works. Reed, I know I'm about to die so please leave, leave and live on please. And in the next life, I wish to meet you again and be together with you again. But in that life I want to get married."

Even though Amber was slowly bleeding and inching closer to death, she still spoke with a smile as she used a hand to touch Reed's cheek. No tears could be seen dripping from her eyes. But even though she spoke with a smile, inside of her was pain and sadness. Seeing the person she loved the most riddled in bullets was crushing her

"Yes, I promise. I promise to live and I promise to marry you in the next life. I promise" Reed cried as tears were dripping from his face onto Amber.

"Don't cry please,"

Reed stopped crying in the request made by Amber. He just stared at her and watched her slowly die.

"Thank you," As Amber spoke her last words her hand that was touching Reed's cheek feel down. Amber was now dead. She lied there with her eyes closed and smile on her face.

"Ahhh!" Reed screamed in pain as memories poured into his mind

"My name is Amber what yours?"

"We need to work together to survive, ok?"

"Here eat this, you need food to survive"

"You and I will always be together right?"

The gunmen stopped shooting long ago as they thought Reed was going to die any moment after speaking to Amber. But they assumed wrong as they watched Reed scream in pain and stood up. Seeing him stand the gunmen started firing again. But for every shot they took, it missed.

Reed fueled by anger and sadness started a massacring everyone he could find in the building. How he killed them could only be left to one imagination since the image itself would only scar them. After killing everyone Reed again knelled by Amber's dead body looking at her. His body was covered in blood and riddled in holes. No would be able to tell who's blood is who's if they looked at Reed

"I'm sorry Amber, even though I promised to live on, it seems I can't hold on to the promise. But I will keep my other promise. I will find you in my next life and I will marry you. I promise"

Reed promised to Amber as he then collapsed near Amber's dead body and died a beautiful death.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment on things you dont like and things you like and donate some PS so it would give me an incentive and show me is people are actually reading this .

Future chapters will not be as long as this sorry for those that want long chapters. future chapters will be around 1500-2000 words. But there might be some chapters such as this that i'll write.

So thank you again for reading!

(If there are any mistakes please tell me since I do miss mistakes now and then)