Chapter 3: On board of the Scimitar

Chaper 3: On board of the Scimitar

Saber once again has to witness Gailen's raw, brute, yet effective, swordsmanship. Within seconds, he got rid of all the stormtroopers around her. "I would have dealt with them less bloody, this is a situation that requires finess and not violence." She criticizes him and jerks inwardly at the sight of his almost completely yellow pupils. "I doubt you could have met your blasters more than 5 before they set you down ..." he answers with a mischievous, angry grin as an alarm sounds. "We have to find the officer who has my hard drive." "Gailen fixes them!" Gailen corrects them and now it's up to Saber to make him glare. "I think we should find him quickly and get out of here." Says she, pulling her blasters and turning the corner around the corner As fast as she turns the corner, so fast dives back as stormtroopers fire at her. "Stay back and take cover." Gailen orders her and Saber box him. "We're equal partners. You can not give me orders. "But Gailen does not hear her words as he sprints into the direct line of fire of the soldiers, and he's right in the center of the lineup before he touches the ground A moment later the pent-up energy escapes into a storm of dissolving wave of annihilation.The Good 30 stormtroopers are instantly crumbled to dust as Gailen touches the ground with his feet., Impressed, but not more surprised by Gailen's raw portrayal of power, Saber whistles her approval. "Phew. So many, I would not have caught work in one fell swoop. "She says to him and runs after him in the direction of the place .. On the square they come across AT-ST, heavy guns and more than 100 storm troops.There Fred and Ed over Funk at Saber. "Lady Saber we have secured the ship and can pick her up and Master Sypher." "Negative. Fred. Too many heavy guns ... "She thinks for a moment and then orders." Fly to the south-east side of the field, below the platform. "" Yes, yes. "The Droid answers and Saber turns to Gailen, who probes the troops on the field "Can you take us to the South-East side?" "Yes, I can. I'm just worried that the hard drive is lost. "He says pointing with a nod to a shuttle that is just leaving the atmosphere." Where did we get a ship from? "" Our bounty hunter has donated it to us. And go, "says Gailen, raising a fist over his head, grabbing the other Saber's hand, and Gailen can barely feel the pressure on his power shield as the first volleys hit the invisible surface of his shield." Unless the heavy guns directly hit the shield We should make it to the ship. "He says to her as the haunted as the schiff moved under the platform of the place. Saber fired at the stormtroopers as they sprinted for the ship. To his surprise, she hits close with each shot to the finish. With a warm handshake and the swallowing of fingers Saber says joyfully to him. Gailen, it's as simple as if they were still. "Gailen returns to the pressure as she ends up on the platform and jumps to the ship, infected by her good mood. Actually missing the gangway, Gailen hammocks them both with power on her. The air is squeezed out of Saber again ever since she knows Gailen. This time, however, while her soft body is covered by his hard. It is a very pleasant feeling that gathers in her heart as she looks into his high-contrast eyes. The gangway drives up and closes the entrance. Captured by the moment, escaping the Empire and on the way away from Corusant, Saber makes a life-changing decision. She grabs Gailen by his short hair, presses her lips against his and is lost. Lost in Gailen's experience. Far from Corusant, orbiting in the Super Star Destroyer, Destruction, the sister ship of the Executor, Jakku, Grand Moff Randd receives an urgent message. "We've recovered part of the Emperor's personal data." "Not all?" Harden edge with raised eyebrow. "Unfortunately No. There seems to have been an outburst from the Emperor's lab." "This is disturbing news, how far are our advances here on Jakku?" "We have already exposed the first levels of the temple." I'll go to Mandalore to secure citizens' cooperation for the Empire and watch the Great Games, and when I go back, I expect the temple to be fully accessible, and this base on Jakku will not last forever undetected by the rebels When it comes into being, the victory of the Empire will be decided by the knowledge of the temple. " "Yeah." Gailen finds his exploration of Saber's body prematurely ended when both of them are sensually tied together by Ed on the gangway. Saber quickly buttoned up her vest again, put her shirt in her pants and put her blaster belt back on. What she can not bring back to her old position, though, is her blond mane, the sparkle in her eyes, or Gailen's memory of her warm body in his pressent. Impressed with Saber's discipline of ousting her stolen kisses, he watches as she reports back to Ed from the spaceship's bridge over the hands-free speaker. "We were able to use the ship's computer to track the van's route, and the hard drive was taken to Mandalore and sent to an outpost of the Empire." Explains Fed, who takes over for Ed. "Ok, the deal went well, we have a ship." Gives Saber a serious grin but a fat grin to Gailen. "Yes, welcome to the Scimitar." Her eyes become serious as she lets go of the speaker. "You're bleeding." Saber means and points to Gailens right ear. Two fingers to his ear confirm her statement. His fingers are smeared with blood. Suddenly struck by incredible headaches Gailen has to kneel.Saber is there immediately and catches him as he faints. "Fred help me." As fast as she says it, Fred appears out of a lift and lifts Gailen. Lifting his leg, he regains consciousness. "I'm fine Blechbüchs.!" He roars loudly. "Put him there." Tell Saber Fred and point to some boxes. As soon as her patient is on the phone, Ed answers via loudspeaker. "Lady Saber we receive a message from Mandalore, it is her brother." "Well, bravo ..." mumbles Saber barely audibly annoyed. "Thanks Ed, just let me check Gailen then I'll watch it." Answer her to the droid and tell Gailen to sit in front of other containers and narrow his arms. "My family can wait, what happened to you on the Emperor's Square were you a legend ... a Jedi ... and now you're breaking down and bleeding from your ears ?!" For him, I mean the Emperor's farewell gift, for him I am or would be an insurance against Lord Vader, should he ever rebel, stupid for me, it's just that the Emperor needs me just to get in the way, power decomposes me. " Gailen answers without emotion and freezes her blood in the veins, at the thought of his imminent death. Gailen feels how disturbed Saber reacts to his confession of a Baldigen death. Satisfied, he thinks of what they almost did on the gangway and can not resist a smile. "But the death of the body is not the end." In all the years of the stasis, I could recognize unrestrained win. "" How'd I imagine it? " But enough of me. Tell me about yourself. How does an Imperial cadet become a thief and a smuggler? "Saber smiles and Gailen feels the warmth of the smile dispel any memory of the stasis cold." Relatively fast. After the Emperor's death, the Moffs try to close the power vacuum. Only they have no powers over the Imperial Guards. I was never a team player so I was left behind when the guards left Corusant. One thing led to the other and I found Fred, Ed, became a smuggler and broke into the academy to get me a ticket to Jakku. What do you have in mind for your last year? "" Knowledge. I will complete my formation with my own lightsaber. No one can ask for more in my situation. Tell me about your brother, your parents, your family. "Saber crosses her arms and answers in disapproval." There is not much to talk about. Mom Nobles of a Mandalorian house, father now killed Protectorby Concorde Dawn. My brother has been trying my mother's house for years to rebuild the house of fat. Surely I can not help you? "Ask Saber Gailen as she comes to the bridge and she stops in front of the lift. '' Sure ?! '' '' Yes, now let your brother wait. ''