Chapter 4: Mandalorian and Clone

Chapter 4: Mandalorian and Clone

Wide in the room over Jakku crosses Grand Moff Randds Star Destroyer. '' Grand Moff: New news about the deliveries of raw materials has arrived, and it looks like Concord Dawn refuses to pay his taxes to the Empire. '' The admiral reports to him on the bridge from where Rand observes the research facilities. '' Send a message to Kamino General Cody is to deal with the insurgents, he is one of the last clone warriors and a fat, Mandalorians respect nothing less than military achievements and their old nobility .. '' Saber feels like her new spaceship, whose name Scimitar she from Fred's on-board archives has touched down on the surface of Concorde Dawn. As the gangway shuts down, the ancient air of Concorde Dawn floods their senses and al Your memories come to life. Concorde Dawn has always been a planet to be made in the place of food. Arranged fields make up a large part of the planet's surface and fill the air with earthy, vegetable aromas. -Heimat- Faces Saber with satisfaction and watches as a squat Mandalorian comes flying in full armor towards her. The green color assigns it to the home fat belonging. Right behind Sabet on the gangway is Gailen, who spreads silent fear in his black armor. With a look to Saber and Gailen, one of the Mandalorians enters and puts down a helmet. "Saber nice to see you again." Saber means older brother Cassus Fett. Cassus hugs her hard once, before his gaze mistakenly falls on Gailen. 'And who are you?' Saber's displeasure awakens at her brother's cocky and aggressive Tom. '' I am Gailen. '' '' What only Gailen? No last name? Job? '' '' Only Gailen ... '' Saber watches as Gailen's attention sweeps from her and her brother into the distance to the horizon. "Gailen?" She asks uncertainly. '' ... I sense something ... go with your brother, Saber I'll follow you on sparks and you. '' Before Saber can say anything else, Gailen jumps from Plato, where they landed with the Scimitar. Not particularly impressed and partially generous commented cassus Gailens departure with. '' Is that supposed to impress me? ... '' '' What's the Cas supposed to do? Gailen is my friend. Stop being such an ass. '' Saber interrupts her brother, who now glares at her angrily. '' ... Sab, you do not have to be that loud. Not since you left Concorde Dawn and your family for the Empire. I think it is more than fair that if you do not pay back my generosity, your return, do not pay back with one scene. We are finally at war. Who is this Gailen? '' '' He is not quite a Jedi and not quite a Sith. He was a prisoner of the imperor. Like the rest of the galaxy. And for your information, jumped without a jetpack. '' This answer Saber her brother, the wondering, staring at her and the other Mandalorians seem surprised. '' Jedi and Sith? '' Asks one of those who seem unprinted. 'Whatever. Saber there's a lot to talk about ... '' General Cody, leader of the 212th Legion of the Empire, coach on Kaminoo and veteran of the Clone Wars, fulfills his duties by heading for Concorde Dawn. Accompanied by the 212th Legion, its star destroyer jumps out of the hyper-space above the planet. In one of the first landing shuttles alongside stormtroopers, the veteran becomes melancholy. Once on the side of General Kenobi, now General, he is to serve the Empire one last time. In his verold, but modded Comander armor with which he had come the last days of the clone wars, he noticed immediately. His orders are to break the resistance and send supplies of food to Jakku. As a clone of Jango Fett, he would bring power to the clan of fat. Gailen feels the power in his body pull him farther and farther away from civilization and Saber. With each jump, the anger, despair and frustration over his own situation grows larger. With an angry somersault, he jumps on a hill. Exhausted, he sits down and looks at the landscape. More and more, the horizon blurs under the dwindling sunlight, until the outer darkness resembles that in Gailen. -Accept them- Sounds an old and almost forgotten voice and before him appears Master Windu. - Accept the darkness in you and the world. Use it. Make them your own.- '' But how? I have not even finished my education. '' He asks the ghost of his teacher. Knowing is only one part, the other is the will to accept. You were as young as I taught you, your potential so untold. Accept your feelings and you can overcome everything.- '' Not the Force itself. '' Gailen screams desperately at the illusion of Mace and fires off power flashes. Lightning fast, the illusion fends off the lightning and directs her to Gailen. -Acccept what you have become. Who you were and who you are may not have been your decision, what will become of you. Do not be egotistical and think of them ... "Orders Mace, as Gailen draws two lightsabers and attacks him. "Shut up!" Gailen roars all power into his punch. They cut blades only through air and the power enläd themselves into a rock stone. -Good you Accept your anger. Now accept your will to protect.- Teaches Gailen calmly. Gailrn, who has given up all combat and is now overwhelmed with emotion, is attempting to remove his helmet and is removing part of the Cortosis neck cuff and throwing it away. '' How am I supposed to protect if nothing remains of me? '' - That's something you have to figure out yourself. I can only give you the means.- "Then teach me. Your technique. '' Ask Gailen. Form VII consists of the physical juyo and the mental vaapad. While Juyo is only possible through long training, the Vaapad is immediately possible through acceptance. I only learned the true nature of the Vaapad when Darth Sidious faced each other. Teach and do not be carried away by arrogance as I did.- Teach Mace and start Gailen's training. At the same time, Saber has to deal with her brother in Concorde, an old congregation site of the Protectorate, which demands their help in the fight against the Empire. 'Saber, I beg you. With your experience as an Imperial Officer, we can drive the empire out of the entire sector. "Angry, she soon leaves her blond hair as the First AT-AT approaches the city and stormtroopers storm the site. Within seconds hell breaks loose. The greats led by Cassus use their jetpacks and start firing on them. Saber, without this advantage, rolls over the dusty floor and pulls her blaster. With two blaster shots, one in the chest, the other on the head of a storm squad, the first one already falls through them. But she has no time to turn around to shoot another storm troop on the helmet. Even this turned off, it whirls around again and must strike. From her training she knows the weaknesses of the Trupper armor, so she beats in her third opponent in the space between helmet and breastplate. Surprised, enough time for Saber to give this storm troop a shot between the visions. Fighting this way, she defeats a troop of stormtroopers before heavy blasterfire rains down on them. Between the oncoming stormtroopers, she sees several Death Troops as well as the leader of this attack. Finally, the heavy Blasterbeschuss ends and a strong voice speaks to the others via speakers. '' Brave Mandalorians of the Fat Clan. I am General Cody, Clone of Jango Fett, veteran of the Clone Wars and your true leader. Surrender, join me and fight for the glory of the Empire! "Saber hears this as she leaps for cover in front of a stormtroop who opened fire on them. Confusion is spreading in the fat clan and Daber must watch as most of her brother's men lower their weapons. Those who do not lower their weapons direct their blasters at them and Cassus. "We surrender!" Announces Cassus, confronting the stormtroopers. Briefly, Saber sees a hologram in General Cody's hand light up before he gives the order. '' Open the fire. '' In a wall of Bl asterfire, Cassus and his men fall victim to the Empire. Saber escapes the deadly shelling only because she has not taken cover. Saber hides under the bodies of the dead to escape the approaching stormtroopers. As she lies helplessly hidden among bodies, she watches as General Cassu's corpse clears away.