Wild goblins and goblins

Standing atop the hill, Poe stood there speechless for another few minutes before finally realizing that the cave or world in front of him was real.

Taking a little time to admire the scene in front of him, Poe sat down just appreciating the world in front of him. It kind of made him miss the sun and endless sky above ground.

After sitting there and gazing at the forest and beyond for what seemed like hours, Poe woke up from the daze that he was thrown into.

Making his way downhill the first thing Poe saw was a lot of small rabbit holes all over the ground and looking into a few of them, Poe could see dozens if not hundreds of fluffy rabbits inside the holes.

Realizing that he would 100 % be dead if those fluffy rabbits, which were luckily sleeping woke up, Poe made a fast retreat away from the fluffy rabbit city.

Just as he was about to leave the area of fluffy rabbits while lamenting at the bad security, he saw it.

[Fluffy rabbit, KING FLUFFY, lvl 21]

The giant rabbit had made some progress since last and reached level 21, but that was not what made Poe stop and take an extra look at the giant fluffy rabbit. There was a giant wound on the side of the fluffy rabbit. It most likely got the wound from the fight that got it to level 21 from level 20.

This was really just the world helping Poe in its own way, just as he needs to kill a level 20 king monster without help the one he wants to kill is gravely injured, but this did not mean that Poe could kill it now.

After all, if he tried to do that, even if it was alone he would have little chance of success. Let alone when there was hundreds of fluffy rabbits sleeping just besides it. If Poe decided to attack, King Fluffy would most likely make some noise that would wake up the sleeping fluffy rabbits that would then swarm him.

Sadly, Poe could only leave and search for a monster or monster tribe, which could serve as a distraction for him.

Walking out of the fluffy rabbit tribes territory, Poe walked for a bit before coming across what he assumed was a road, well that is talking about is nicely as it was just grass that was stepped on to form some kind of road.

Looking at the footstep on what Poe assumed was a road; he could quite easily tell that monsters most likely formed it.

Feeling a little excited over having found other monsters so quickly, Poe got quite happy as he walked along the grass road in hopes of finding a great distra… other monsters to help Poe with his great goal of getting a good class, even if they might not know that they are helping him.

Coming up with this great reason, Poe continued on his journey to find a few helping hands.

Walking along the grass road, Poe finally came across what he was looking for.

In front of him was what looked like a primal human tribe with small huts everywhere. The only thing off was that the huts were a little too small for humans and looked more as if it was made for children.

Looking at this scene, Poe could only think of one thing and that was of course goblin. The small not so pretty monsters that were quite friendly, even if they did not look like it.

The goblin race is split into two one called wild goblins and the other called goblins. The difference between the two is quite simple.

Wild goblins are seen as monsters and will attack all other races no matter what, but this is not what earned the wild goblins the title of monsters, no, what earned them this title was that they also seek out other races to attack villages and the last is that they don't have a language and can't communicate with others. That is why they are seen as monsters and not an intelligent race.

Goblins on the other hand, is much friendlier and normally speak the human language, but can also learn others. What is special about the goblins is their senses for money. Be it nobles or royalty. All of them respect the goblins senses for money and see them as the best merchants that exist among the intelligent races out there. Well they are quite greedy, but they always get what you need. Only a little expensive, as long as you can pay, a goblin have what you need.

Just as he went over the goblin race, Poe spotted a silhouette of a small humanoid creature coming out of a hut.

[Wild goblin, lvl 7]

It was luckily a wild goblin and not a goblin. As goblin were seen as an intelligent race, Poe would not dare to use them as bait… eh… soldiers in arms assisting him in his heroic quest… as the death rate would most likely be high.

Wild goblins on the other hand were monsters so there was nothing wrong with that, Poe convinced himself as he slowly crept closer to the goblin tribe.

The only time Poe had seen a goblin, was when a goblin merchant came to the elven town. It was quite a rare event, as elves were known for being quite the unsocial race keeping to themselves and their forests.

After sneaking close enough to the goblin tribe, Poe climbed up a tree. Now hiding in the tree, Poe came up with the most genius method for getting the wild goblins to help him make a great distraction.

As the fluffy rabbit tribe was only 15 or so minutes from the goblin tribe, Poe would not have trouble running from the goblin tribe to the fluffy rabbit tribe. Thinking this, Poe thought he would use himself as bait leading the wild goblins to the fluffy rabbit tribe.

A genius plan indeed, Poe was indeed one of the smartest people there was. Maybe the high wisdom was the cause, but Poe had outdone himself with this fantastic plan.

Thinking this Poe started setting his plan into action.