Entering the training ground

After walking for a bit, Poe and Grant arrived at the mage guild. Making their way in the mage guild looked just as amazing as Poe remembered it to be.

This time Grant and Poe went towards another counter that had a sign saying [Information] above it and to their luck the one who was at the counter was Lillian who they were looking for in the first place.

Walking towards the information counter, Poe and Grant first lined up. This was after all not the registration counter. There were many people going to the information counter and Lillian looked a bit exhausted when it was finally Grant and Poe's turn.

"Ah, Grant and Poe was it?"

Saying so Lillian looked towards Poe who was standing beside Grant as if measuring him for some reason.

"So what can I do for you two?"

Saying so, Lillian turned her eyes towards Grant instead of Poe, most likely because Grant was the one she expected to answer. The one in question look at Lillian a little shyly before beginning to explain their reason for coming.

"I wanted Poe to enter the training ground for new mages and thought you could explain it better than me, so we came here."

Hearing the reason the exhausted Lillian looked a little more exhausted than before, as she began explaining.

"Hah… I thought so; well the training ground for new mages is actually quite a misleading name, as the so-called training ground is just an underground mana dense area with a few monsters here and there. The mana density in the area allows magic stones to form from time to time and at the same time helps mages level up skills like mana manipulation, as it is easier to control mana in areas where it is dense. Well that is not 100 % true as in too dense area it would make it harder, but areas with that much density is normally under either a noble or some royal family. There is some not discovered yet, but those are rare. Overall, it got the name training ground for new mages, because it is great help at leveling mana manipulation and the monsters are low leveled and will help new mages level up faster than outside."

Saying so, Lillian looked towards Grant who gave a satisfied nod in her direction before turning towards Poe.

It was easy to tell that Poe was excited about this training ground as it could really help him a lot. Thinking about how much it would help him, Poe could not help but ask Grant.

"When can I enter?"

Poe said, as he looked into Grants eyes while showing how exited he was.

"You can go now of course, but you will have to depend on yourself with finding food, as the guild will only give you things need to start a fire and some water."

"That is fine!"

Saying so Poe turned to look towards Lillian, who in turn just looked around the guild for a while before pointing towards a different counter in the distance.

"You can go over to that counter if you want to enter the training ground."

Saying so, Lillian waved Poe and Grant away before turning her attention to the next person in the line that had formed behind Poe and Grant.

Grant and Poe who were waved away by Lillian did as said and went towards the counter Lillian pointed towards.

The counter was empty just like the registration counter; Poe guessed that not many new people joined the mage guild here, only a few people like Poe coming from time to time when they got the system.

On the top of the counter was the words [Training Ground for new mages entrance], Poe found it a little weird that it said entrance as he could not see any entrance, just the counter. Maybe it was just thinking that it was there you paid for it therefore entering it?

The more Poe thought about it the more confused he got, so he just stopped thinking about it and went up to the counter together with Grant.

This time it was a man at the counter, though he did not look as buff as Grant and looked more like the skinny and typical mage.

[Human Fire mage, lvl 36]

Indeed, he was higher level than even Grant; well his level was not that much of a surprise as the guards he met in front of the gate was between level 40 and 50. Guards were indeed strong…

"If you want to enter the training ground it will be 1 silver for 1 day."

Saying so, the man smiled towards grant who gave him 7 silver coins before signaling for a confused Poe to step forward.

"So you are the one going. That is fine. Please step onto the circle in front of the counter."

Doing as the man told him, Poe stepped onto the circle on the floor.

"Okay so water for 7 days and something to start a fire… ah here they are. Last do you need anything before going?"

While talking the man took out a small stone and 7 big bottles of water and gave them to Poe, who put them in his bag after being told to do so by Grant. The water bottles filled so much there was no more place for his stick so he had to take it out of the bag.

Grant and the man both ignored the stick that Poe pulled out of the bag, they most likely thought it was used for supporting himself while walking or something along the line…

Poe had also put his stick into the bag when he came to the gate in the past. The reason for this was that he did not want to go around carrying a weapon in his hand. The stick was just too long and was still sticking out of the bag when he came to the gate, not that Poe noticed anything.

"No I have everything I need."

Saying so, the man nodded towards Grant and Poe before talking again.

"Well if that is all, I will see you in a week."

"I will come by to greet you when you are back from the training trip Poe!"

Saying farewell to him, Poe did not understand why they were saying farewell to him all of a sudden, but he did not have that much time to think as the circle beneath him started to shine. The light from the circle slowly died down and only the man and Grant were now standing in their original places.

What was beneath Poe was indeed a teleportation circle.