Hall of rest and doors

The only thing Poe saw was the environment around him suddenly shifting and instead of being in the guild together with Grant; he was now standing on another circle in the middle of a room.

Poe looked around himself confused, before finally noticing a person standing and looking at him close to the entrance of the room.

"First time teleporting?"

The man who was standing at the entrance of the room said as he looked towards Poe.

[Human earth mage, lvl 45]

Poe nodded towards him as he moved away from the circle on the ground with lighting speed.

"It is most likely your first time at the training ground right? Just go out of the door and go towards the desk that have information written over it."

Saying so, the man looked towards Poe before signaling for the door beside him.

Poe nodded to the man before walking towards the door and exiting the room, as soon as Poe exited the room he got shocked by the door that shut itself behind him.

As Poe turned around what met him was a giant hall with mostly young people going in and out of four respective doors. The doors had the number 1, 2, 3 and 4 written on them and it seemed that the people walking in and out of the doors was between level 5 and 20.

This was most likely people who came to train and the doors were the entrance to the training ground, Poe really wanted to enter, but before that, he went towards the counter with information written above it.

This place was indeed not what he expected it to be, he really thought that it was just some cave, but then again this was where the mage guild trained their new mages, so just throwing them into a cave while saying 'grow stronger please' would be an out… Right?

Walking in front of the one of the counters for information, Poe had to stand in line for quite a while, even though there were many information counters around the hall. It might be because of how many people that kept coming and people would most likely also be curious like Poe and ask what kind of place this was… Thinking to here, Poe found it understandable that so many people went to the counter for information like him.

Maybe it was also because the only thing they told them back at their guild was that the training ground was some mana dense cave with a few monsters in it. To then end up being in this giant hallway, that in no way looked like a cave with weak monsters in it, but more like some organized place with a little more going on to it.

Finally, it was Poe's turn in the line and in front of him was a man most likely tired of answering the same questions repeatedly, so Poe just asked him without bothering about it too much.

"What is this place and where is the training ground?"

Hearing the question the man let out a tired sigh before answering the question.

"This is the Training guilds hall of rest, you will stay here and sleep here for however many days you decided to stay in the training hall. The 4 doors that is numbered from 1 to 4 is the entrance to the training grounds. The door with number 1 is for monsters that is level 1 - 5, the door with number 2 is with monsters level 6 - 10 and so on. To enter the training ground you need to register at the counter over there and start the training period. After your time is up you can buy more or just leave towards the city that you came from."

Saying so, the man pointed towards some other counters with lines in the distance. Hearing what he said made Poe think of something, so he decided to ask.

"Do you mean that people here is from different cities?"

The man looked at him as if he was an idiot before answering his question.

"Yes, people from within 1000 kilometers come to this training ground, there is normally 1 training ground for new mages every 1000 kilometer. Now if that is all please leave as there is other people waiting behind you."

Saying so the man turned his attention away from Poe and towards the next person in the line.

Poe did not really mind it and moved towards the other counter in the distance. While he was standing in the line, Poe started to think about it. With all the new mages from the mage guilds within 1000 kilometers coming here, he could understand why there were so many people present here.

Coming before the counter with registration written above it, Poe got told to put his guild card onto a magic stone. The card shinned for a little before the light died down.

Poe took back his card and looked at what changed.

[Guild/Clan: Mage Guild]

[Name: Poe][Race: Elf][Age: 15]

[Level: ???][Class: ???]

[Rank: 1 star]

[Access to guild training grounds: 7 days remaining]

The only change was having access to the guild training ground, but Poe was quite happy at seeing that.

"To enter the training ground you just need to have a guild card with access on you, but if you do not have this the barrier around the doors to the training ground will activate."

The one who was sitting at the registration counter said kindly to Poe just before he left.

"T-thank you very much."

Poe also did his best to return his thanks, but it only earned a short giggle from the man sitting at the registration counter before he disappeared. Hidden by the line of people who now swarmed him.

Poe sighed a little seeing this. The guild staff here really had it hard.

Not thinking more over the poor guild staff Poe moved towards the door with 3 written on it, he planned to enter the door with 3 first and then maybe try the one with 4 on it later.

After a little while Poe found himself in front of the door with 3 written on it and without hesitation, he stepped into the door.

Yes… somehow Poe forgot to open it first… Maybe Poe thought it would open automatically?