Rocks are still useless...

Looking over the shallow water of the cave, Poe could not help but feeling disappointed. Well, at least he still got some EXP from the monsters, if even that got taken away; Poe really did not know what he would do.

Looking around, Poe saw that the people who formed teams together gathered the lesser water spirits together and used some kind of area spell that killed all of them at once…

That was much more efficient than Poe killing them one by one.

Thinking of it, Poe decided to try to pull in more of them and kill them of by just throwing mana balls on them…

[Lesser water spirit, lvl 15]

[Lesser water spirit, lvl 14]

[Lesser water spir…]

Poe had managed to pull around 10 of them. Now it all just came down to how to kill them and Poe only really had the mana ball spell, so without thinking more about it, Poe ran from the lesser water spirits while shooting mana balls behind him.

If it was not for the lesser water spirits being weak to magic and slow Poe would never had made it out alive. The last lesser water spirit even came close to Poe after he had exhausted most of his mana ending in Poe needing to use his stick to kill it off.

[Gained 70 + 65 EXP: for killing higher level enemy] x 6

[Gained 75 + 70 EXP: for killing higher level enemy] x 4

[*ding* level 7 reached]

[Stick mastery reached level 4]: wait…. How? You only hit one enemy…

[Mana manipulation reached level 6]

[Mana ball reached level 5]: first breakthrough with mana ball spell, has lead you to see even more and be rewarded for what you did.

[You have been rewarded the skill Mana Ball Barrage for your use of the spell Mana ball]

[Gained Active Skill: Mana ball barrage lvl 1]: fire a barrage of mana balls at the enemy. Damage increases the higher level the mana ball spell is. The higher level mana ball barrage is the more area it will cover.

Seeing all the things he got from the fight, Poe could not help but become happy. The reason was simple; even though he exhausted himself, he was not really injured and only attacked at a distance. For him to get a brand new spell was really outside of what he imagined, maybe it was because he kept using mana balls on a pack of enemies chasing him?

Having also leveled up again for a whole 2 times today, Poe happily put his 5 stat points into intelligence. The small stream inside of his head grew a little more making Poe happy. Every time he saw, the little stream inside his head growing meant that he got closer to his goal.

Looking around, Poe saw that most of the lesser water spirits was killed off by the other mages. Thinking that this would be all he could do today, Poe turned to leave, but before he made it to the tunnel, he heard something behind him.

Turning around, what Poe saw made him wonder if this happened when there were only a few lesser water spirits left, because what he saw was the water dripping down from the celling slowly forming together to form brand new lesser water spirits.

[Lesser water spirit, lvl 14]

[Lesser water spirit, lvl 13]

[Lesser water spi…]

Now Poe knew why there could be so many lesser water spirits here. They were most likely created by the cave itself and the mage guild had taken advantage of this and made it into a great training ground for mages, but then again. The only time monsters would reform themselves and multiply this way was in dungeons.

In other words the training ground for new mages was most likely connected to several different dungeons at once. Thinking of this, Poe was quite impressed. After all dungeons could normally not be controlled, even if it was a level 1 dungeon with only level 1 monsters in it, a level 80 mage would still not be able to control it.

What the guild did was not control the dungeons here, but connect them to each other, so new mages could easily access them and level up faster. This was indeed a great idea.

Poe cast on last look at the newly formed lesser water spirits, before turning to leave the cave. Poe did not really feel like hunting any more monsters and his mana was only around 25 % full, so he would not be able to hunt for long anyway. Finally yet importantly, Poe was really exhausted from running, even if it only took 20 or so minutes to kill them off, it was still really exhausting as Poe had to run all that time without pause and needed to also fire mana balls behind himself.

Coming out from the tunnel that connected to the lesser water spirit cave, Poe was once again greeted with the giant cave. Rock golems were walking here and there. Mages were going into different tunnels that were spread alongside the wall of the giant cave and finally were the mages, who were most likely, not confident enough to enter the caves with stronger enemies and were just going around killing off the rock golems.

Just as Poe finished looking around the place, he was greeted by a rock golem that came charging at him.

[Rock golem, lvl 11]

Poe easily killed it off with a few mana balls.

[Gained 55 EXP + 20 EXP: for killing higher level enemy]

After the battle, Poe tried something he had not done yet for some reason; he tried to inspect the rock that dropped on the ground.

[Gained Active Skill: Inspect lvl 1]: you can inspect or analyze something or someone. Normally used to see the status of items or people.

Seeing he gained a skill from it, Poe was quite surprised at the start, but not so much after thinking things over, as it sounded like a skill everyone would have.

Now having a skill that helped him analyze the rock dropped from the rock golem, Poe decided to try out his new skill.

[Rock]: The most common and useless rock that can be found everywhere on the ground. Why are you even wasting your time on this?

Yep… Still as disappointing as he remembered it. The rock was after all still just a rock…