The red haired demon and the savior!

Having rediscovered the uselessness of the rock that the rock golem dropped, Poe continued his way back towards the place with the sleeping quarters slightly more depressed than before.

On his way back, Poe saw many different kinds of mages, some manipulating the earth, while others used fireballs to try destroying the rock golems with pure destruction.

All of the different ways to use magic made Poe even more inspired to become a mage. Manipulating the elements, bending the fabric of space itself! How awesome would that be?

Just thinking about it made Poe excited, but that would all be for the future when he grew strong enough and had enough mana. From what Poe read, space magic was one of the most mana consuming and hardest magic to cast. Even a simple space magic like storage cost 10.000 mana every time the spell was cast. Let alone a spell like teleportation…

Having made it back to the resting place, Poe decided to look at his status before he went towards the sleeping quarters.

Poe, class TRAIL underway

Race: Elf

Lvl 7, EXP required: 1916

HP: 55/55

MP: 420/420

STR: 3.5

VIT: 5.5

INT: 42

WIS: 37

AGI: 8

SP(stat points): 0

SK(skill points): 2

Active skills: [Mana Manipulation lvl 6]; [Mana Ball lvl 5]; [Mana Enchantment lvl 2]; [Mana Ball Barrage lvl 1]; [Inspect lvl 2]

Passive skills: [Fall Resistance lvl 1]; [Stick Mastery lvl 4]

Titles: [Part of the Elven Race]; [Bookworm]; [Mana Stream]; [Master Mind]; [Class killer]

Poe's status had really grown since he last saw it and he also got quite a few things on his way back.

One of them was his inspect reached level 2. Now, when he used inspect on things more information would show up, or less.

[Rock]: Still useless.

The rock was a good example… The text changed to be way less after inspect reached level 2…

Poe also managed to ask a mage about the inspect skill on his way back to the sleeping quarters. From the mage he learned that leveling inspect is hard, but almost everyone have it. At higher level it would even show titles of people or monsters that you inspected maybe even some history about them, but that was for a really high level inspect.

The title shown would supposedly also be the best title the user had or hardest to get.

Thinking of the skill inspect that he got just a while ago and even how he managed to level it up to level 2, Poe arrived in front of the sleeping quarters that he got assigned to stay in.

Entering the sleeping quarters this time, there were a lot more people than before and for some reason was the 2 girls that he talked to before staying at the mattresses just beside the one he chose. Thinking it was a little weird, Poe did not really mind it and walked towards his sleeping spot.

Another thing that Poe found weird was that there were only girls inside the sleeping quarters and not any men. Maybe there were not many mages who were men who came after Poe and this ended with the sleeping quarter only containing girls?

This could also be the place where those who just came were assigned?

Thinking of this nodded to himself in understanding. After all the ratio of men, becoming mages were small and the class mostly had girls. Now that he thought about it, it was quite weird that almost all of the people working at the counters were men…

Poe did of course not know that the sleeping quarters were split in gender, he would also not know that the reason men were working at the counters of the mage guild was a form of service for the girls in the guild…

The warrior guild as an example mostly had girls, as the ones working at the counter. This was also because those who became warriors was mostly men and the gender ratio was even worse there.

Coming to the place that Poe had made his sleeping place, he immediately became the center of attention for the girls that were talking around his sleeping spot.

Worst of all, the girl that made Poe break into a cold sweat last time, was now starring at him like a starved animal looking at its pray and Poe could not escape like last time…

Walking past them, Poe was about to lay down and try to get some sleep, as it was late and Poe was not going to skip sleeping. This had nothing to do with Poe once reading a book that said you would grow the more you slept…

Poe might have a little complex about him being so small for his age; there was also the thing about him often being mistaken for someone who is way younger than he actually is.

Fate really hated Poe, because just as he was about to lay down and get some blissful and well-deserved sleep, he was grabbed from behind and carried into someone's embrace.

Looking up, Poe discovered to his horror, that it was the quit, but scary girl, who had pulled him away from his mattress.

Not knowing what to say, Poe remained quite thinking of how to get out of his current situation.

"Ivy let go of her!"

Hearing the voice, Poe looked towards who he assumed was his savior and just as he expected, his savior came and took him away from the evil thing.


"No Ivy. You can't just start hugging a random person; just because you think they look cute!"

Hearing the first, Poe got happy that his savior had started scolding the red haired demon, but hearing the last of the sentence, Poe almost got a heart attack.

I-i know I'm small, but please stop with the cute thing…

Not knowing what to do, Poe ended up staring at the tall girl scolding the red haired demon.

Poe just wanted to sleep… How did he end up being assaulted by the red haired demon…?