The Comfortable Pajamas

Exiting the restaurant flying kitten, Poe let out a satisfied breath, as he gave the restaurant one last look filled with boundless emotions.

Having made their way to the flying kitten, Poe and the rest had eaten their dinner there and with the addition of Cecilia, who somehow got dragged away by someone during the meal, the dinner proceeded in a way Poe preferred.

Glaring at the menu, ignoring Ivy, waiting for the food in excitement, ignoring Cecilia getting dragged away for some reason, eating.

The dinner was perfect in Poe's eyes, but as long as Poe could eat in peace it would be a perfect dinner in his eyes… Not that the dinner was peaceful in any way, but Poe mostly only focused on his food…

As Poe was reminiscing about the past, Ivy and Lucia came out of the flying kitten with complicated feelings on both their faces.

"I-I thought Cecilia said she was free…?"

Lucia said with a complicated look on her face, while looking back at the flying kitten behind her.

"T-to think, she ran away at the start of the busiest hour… Her dedication for Poe's cuteness is commendable!"

Poe, who stood heard both Lucia and Ivy quickly realized that Cecilia somehow ran away at the start of the restaurants busiest hour, just to show them a clothing store…

Poe was struck speechless for some time and while he was thinking over it, he heard what Ivy said in the end and started shaking all over.

NO! Cecilia wouldn't… She is not like you! She would nev-

While Poe tried to convince himself that Cecilia would never do such a thing, he suddenly remembered what happen in the clothing store and how she teamed up with Ivy.

Thinking that he might have another Ivy to deal with, Poe was scared.

One was already hard enough to deal with, but two… His shield known as Lucia would not work anymore.

Before it was too late, he had to find a new countermeasure to the Cecilia problem, if not…

Poe started shaking all over again, at the thought of what might happen to the poor little him, if Ivy and Cecilia ever captured him.

"P-Poe are you okay? You are shaking all over!"

Hearing Lucia's concerned voice from behind, Poe felt a wave of warmth wash over him.

Yes! He still had Lucia left!

Thinking this, Poe regained a little of his confidence. Nothing he could do about it now anyways.

With that in mind, Poe made his way back to the sleeping quarters together with Lucia and Ivy.

Having made their way back, Poe quickly went to bed. Not forgetting the pajamas he got from Cecilia, Poe soon put on the cat pajamas and he most definitely looked cute.

The moment Poe put on the cat pajamas, he instantly felt like he was ascending. The feeling of the pajamas was just way too good.

In the start Poe was a little hesitant about putting on the cat pajamas, but after putting it on, Poe was won over by the fluffiness and softness of it.

Feeling himself growing tired, Poe quickly laid down on one of the beds to sleep, Ivy was all prevented from making a move on Poe by Lucia.

And soon enough, Poe slipped into dreamland fully satisfied with the day.

Waking up, Poe decided that it was time for breakfast. Looking at Lucia and Ivy still sleeping, Poe got a little sad, but also discovered that his view was weird in some way.

Why was Ivy and Lucia's beds so high? Wait… Isn't Ivy sleeping on my bed!? Then where did I fall asleep…?

Looking around himself, Poe discovered that he somehow ended up sleeping on the floor of the room, it was quite a surprise as Poe clearly remembered laying down on his bed before falling asleep.

Maybe… Just maybe he fell asleep on the floor… Was the pajamas really that comfortable? Well it was really fluffy and soft…

Thinking further about it, Poe really could not remember whether he slept on the bed or not…

Coming to the conclusion that he really slept on the floor, Poe was a little shocked that he ended up sleeping on the floor, but he got over it soon enough and made his way towards the sleeping Lucia.

"Foooood~ Lucia~"

Crawling towards Lucia's bed, Poe started shaking Lucia lightly while calling out to her demanding to be fed.

After Lucia bought food for Poe the last few days, Poe slowly started to see Lucia as a very important person. Other than protecting him from Ivy, she even provided him with delicious food!

"H-huh… Poe?"

Lucia slowly opened her eyes and looked confused at Poe. After looking at Poe for some time, Lucia finally seemed to have woken up and stared at Poe.

"Lucia~ food~"

Poe said, just as Lucia was about to talk. Taken aback by Poe's cry for food, Lucia hurriedly answered Poe.

"Yeah, we will get something to eat as soon as Ivy wakes up, for now get dressed."

Listening to Lucia, Poe realized that he still had the cat pajamas on and quickly put on his new magic dress.

Soon enough, Ivy woke up and they made their way outside to get something for breakfast.

Having eaten something called waffles for breakfast, Poe found himself outside a café called flying pandas. Poe also discovered that people around here loved to call their shops with flying followed by the name of a random animal.

"So what are we going to do now? Go out and hunt monsters?"

Lucia asked as she came out of the flying panda.

"Ye- No! I want to train my mana control today!"

As Poe was about to accept what Lucia said, he remembered that he needed to get his mana manipulation to level 10 at least to complete the class trail and he felt like that would not be happening by just shooting off mana balls…

"O-okay… I and Ivy will be going to hunt monsters for the day then, tomorrow we can visit the time tunnel together!"

Not having expected Poe's outburst, Lucia took some time to calm down before she told Poe her and Ivy's plans for the day.


Ivy who started to throw a tantrum was splendidly ignored and dragged off by Lucia…