Cecilia's Hobby and Mana Training

After Lucia dragged off Ivy to hunt monsters, Poe was finally alone again.

Looking around for a bit, Poe slowly made his way back to the sleeping quarters. The reason for this was simple, he needed a quiet place and there was nobody in the sleeping quarters at this time of the day.

First, Poe thought about training somewhere in the town, but it was too noisy and there was quite a few gentlemen giving him the same look as Ivy, so for his own safety and a quiet place to train, Poe decided on the sleeping quarters.

On the way, back he also thought about going out of the town to train, but he would most likely end up having his training interrupted by the rock golems at that time…

Having made his way back to the sleeping quarters, Poe went inside the room he, Ivy and Lucia was distributed.

Looking at the room, Poe discovered that there was a window inside the room. Surprised at seeing a window, that he missed before, Poe made his way towards it and looked outside.

What greeted him was a small backyard connected to some of the other rooms, a perfect place to train, in Poe's eyes.

The best thing was that only Poe was here at the moment. Meaning Poe had the entire backyard for himself, with nobody there to disturb him.

Jumping out of the window, Poe soon discovered that it was a bad idea to jump out of windows.

Looking down, Poe was quickly reminded that his room was on the second floor and not the first.


Surprised at his own stupidity, Poe crashed into the ground below.


Slowly getting up, Poe discovered that he had been lucky enough to land in a bush by the side of the building. Well, if there is anything lucky about jumping out of a window on the second floor…

Instead of waiting any longer inside the bush, Poe got up and walked into the backyard of the sleeping quarters, while cautiously looking around himself. Luckily, nobody was there or else, Poe would have been too embarrassed to walk outside again…

On a building a few hundred meters from the sleeping quarters, a certain someone was looking into a telescope pointed directly at where Poe fell from the window. It was even possible to see the telescope following Poe, as he made his escape from the place he fell.

"Hehe, Poe~ Good that you didn't get hurt or big sis would have to come to the rescue~, but… Would that not be better…? That way you could cry all you want to big sis~ Hehe"

The suspicious person spying on Poe from a high building let out a soft laugh as she kept observing Poe.

"Cecilia! Work starts in another 20 minutes! Get down fast we need to go!"

A shout from below reached the top of the building, identifying the person spying at Poe in the distance.

"Yeees~ I will be there in a bit Claire."

Saying so, Cecilia put the telescope in front of one eye before closing the other, resuming her observation of Poe in the distance.

Poe on the other hand, had finally reached a safe location in the backyard of the sleeping quarters. Sitting down below a tree close by, Poe started his mana training.

Slowly feeling the mana inside his body, Poe tried to will it to move around his body. It was not that hard, but the moment he tried to apply his mana on his body it dispersed into the air. The only place where some of the mana stayed was his blood vein. After trying to use the mana to strengthen his body for what felt like hours, a notification popped up in front of him and with it, Poe could feel himself grow weaker.

[Mana veins have strengthened reaching level 2: You gain 1 INT and 1 AGI, the blood strengthens reducing your STR by 0.5]

Seeing the improvement, Poe did not know if he should be happy or sad. Happy because he got what would be worth 2 stat points, while only losing 0.5 stat points. Sad because his strength was going down, if he did not level up and only leveled his mana vein skill, what would happen when the strength stat reached 0? Would he not be able to move anymore or maybe he would die…?

Thinking of this, Poe decided not to level up the mana vein skill unless he had some strength to spare and right now was not the time to level it up.

Having made up his mind not to actively train the mana veins, Poe once again resumed his training, trying to make his mana manipulation reach level 8.

Slowly feeling the mana inside himself, Poe turned his attention away from his body and tried to control the mana floating around him.

Poe quickly discovered that it was much harder than controlling the mana inside of himself. Maybe it was because the mana inside of him was already somewhat a part of him, while the mana outside his body was not.

Sitting still, Poe managed to control the mana in the area of 10 centimeter around himself. Mana got harder and harder to control the longer away from the body, it was. To Poe's surprise it seemed like reaching the 10 centimeter mark was the requirement for mana manipulation reaching level 8.

[Mana manipulation have reached level 8]: Allows user to feel and control mana within 10 centimeters of user.

Just as he heard the notification, Poe felt like he could feel everything within 10 centimeters of him. Other than that, Poe could also somewhat control the mana to make the weakest mana ball ever created. It looked like even if he could use mana to cast spells, it was useless.

Having thought this far, Poe let out a sigh. Looking at his status, Poe saw the 2 skill points he got in the past. Having come this far, Poe decided to use them on mana manipulation. After all, Poe only needed mana manipulation for his class trail…

[Mana manipulation have reached level 9]: Allows user to feel and control mana within 50 centimeters of user.

[Mana manipulation have reached level 10]: Allows user to feel, control and absorb mana within 1 meter of user. Absorbing mana will allow user to recover mana faster.

Seeing he could use the mana in the surroundings to recover faster, Poe was excited; it looked like it would be useful to control the mana of the surroundings now that he could absorb it to recover his used mana.


[TRAIL 1: Reach level 15]

[TRAIL 2: Completed]

[TRAIL 3: Earn the Mana River title]

[Mana River]: upgraded version of the mana stream title!

[REWARDS: Able to choose a class, the classes that can be chosen between is at least Epic grade]

Poe also saw that the trail had marked one of the trails, as done, looked like Poe would soon get his class.

Looking around himself, Poe discovered it was getting dark. Looked like his training session had taken a long time.

Getting up, Poe suddenly felt hungry… Extremely hungry.

Exciting the backyard, Poe spotted Lucia and Ivy coming towards the sleeping quarters and without thinking any further, Poe ran towards them.